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Lillington, NC

The start of classes sure as hell killed this board, didn't it?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:41 PM


I think Facebook and MySpace kills any other type of community communication

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:54 PM

Lillington, NC

I really just think there isn't a strong enough demand for this type of thing. Even the message boards on Myspace have almost zero activity, and Facebook doesn't even have a board.

Message boards are cool, it's just hard as hell to get people to actually get on here and start posting.

Can't say I didn't try.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 4:17 PM

Tampa, FL

As with anything, there is a critical mass that has to take form first. I've grown two sites out of three attempts prior to There is a lot in how you champion your product. The first social site had the exact same code base and look-and-feel of the original partyecu/, was around before the two of them and existed alongside of them.

People use these sites because their friends are on them. Establishing that core is the most difficult part of promotions; after which, the sites tend to be self-sustaining. I'm busy getting a electronics product to market at the moment so is sitting on the back-burner right now. Hopefully next week I'll be able to hit a couple campuses pretty hard.

Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:12 PM

Tampa, FL

Oh yeah, that first site only gained about 50 users during the same time period that usfbs and partyecu gained nearly 20,000.

Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:12 PM

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