Our Staff

Alan Ashton, CC&BW

Executive Profile

Alan Ashton

History, Skills and Experience

Alan graduated from East Carolina University in the summer of 2000, where he completed his four year BSBA/MIS in a total time of just under two years, at age 19. In his relatively short career since he graduated from college, Alan has performed work as a contract engineer for over 20 organizations. Among those organizations where Alan has worked were five fortune 1000 companies, two of the twenty largest school districts in the nation, seven technology startups, four clearinghouses and two hospitals. Alan has worked directly in global production and manufacturing environments directly with engineers from leading electronics manufacturers developing the next generation of consumer electronics.

Along with commercial technologies, Alan began developing community websites for university students in the fall of 2001. Socialdetour.com, as a product consisting of an entirely new codebase, is a dynamic application designed to address all forseeable social, privacy, scalability, performance and extensibility concerns associated with this class of software.

Alan is of no relation to the Alan Ashton who founded the WordPerfect corporation.

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Copyright© 2001 - 2024 - Alan Ashton - All Rights Reserved
Site designed and written by Alan Ashton. (View my profile [User: Alan])
Powered By Microsoft ASP.NET, SQL Server, Windows Server 2003, Apple OSX, Python, Ruby and me.
AIM: AntaresUSF
Email: alanashton@socialdetour.com