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Winston-Salem, NC

It seems almost second nature upon your return after your first summer away, the odd habits and rituals developed over the course of one year. No longer a newcomer; you have a rough idea of how best to layout your room, the best time to stop in at the Oasis, or even how to navigate the party scene to full advantage. For most of us, learning these skills came from meeting a good quantity of people face to face. Now, through the cold impersonality of the Internet, we can cut out the middle man and divulge SOME, but likely not all, our survival secrets.

Monday, July 23, 2007 4:04 PM


Do not go to Wal-Mart in Dunn, period.  If you MUST go, do not go between the hours of 6 pm and 12 pm.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 3:32 AM

Winston-Salem, NC

Amen. Go after midnight for a real taste of blue-collar living gone retarted. Holy poop on an inbred stick, there are people there with their eyes over their ears. I got kicked out of that Wal-Mart freshman year at about 1:45 in the morning. It was effing sweet.

OH, P.S.

The Pizza Hut in Dunn has a buffet like the one in Lillington. Avoid the Dunn one unless you are interested in trying to lose weight by defecating a mass greater than the one you consumed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 4:07 AM

Lillington, NC

Fuquay pwns Dunn

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 4:18 PM


I learned a juicy tidbit today!!  APPARENTLY the crazy people who lived across from my mom at the beach house...the ones who were stealing cars and letting their attack dog run loose and being just terrible in general were from DUNN.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 6:31 AM


lol you guys are too hard on the dunn's WAL-MART do you expect leather smoking chairs and $3,000 suits sitting around discussing the social atroscities of the 1920's?

Tough up and go if you need something

Monday, August 6, 2007 1:16 AM

Lillington, NC

Agreed on Walmart not being the pinnacle of civilization.

BUT, Dunn is as ghetto as it comes. Fuquay is a waaaaaaay nicer town, and it's not really a further drive to go to there. I'm just saying if you have the extra 5 minutes of drive time, go to Fuquay and forget Dunn exists.

Also, if young men wearing bandanas and wife beaters walk in front of your car and refuse to move in Dunn, haul ass out of there.

Monday, August 6, 2007 3:42 AM

Annapolis, MD

I can't believe you just said , "Dunn is as ghetto as it comes."

I spend most of my time in Baltimore and DC...
I rest my case. :-P

But yeah, I hate Dunn, and every single "Dunn, A Great Place to Be!" sign!!!!!!!!

As far as Walmart goes, I spent 32 hours straight living in one last fall in line for a Playstation 3. That was a really tramatic experience.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 4:48 AM


lol at "dunn is as ghetto as it comes" you obviously don't get out much.

I agree FV is a 'nicer town' but don't be a pussy about it. And have you actually had guys in bandanas and wife beaters even pay attention to you besides walking in front of you?

You're judging way too hardcore they don't mess with you unless you piss em off or you look scared, even then they're just messing around.

"Try going to East Raleigh at 2 in the morning, driving through stop signs with crackheads and prostitutes coming up to your car, praying for a cop to pull you so you know you'll be safe."
-Source: Conrad.

Thursday, August 9, 2007 5:53 AM

Anywhere but here

Of all places you refuse to go late at night you choose Dunn Walmart? wow, perhaps its because i never goto walmart by choice, I never really have such "scary experiences". Heck I used to work at Cracker Barrel in Dunn, which was in a worse neighborhood than Walmart could ever be. Seriously grow some and realize that unless you make trouble, Walmart late at night isn't that big a deal.

Also, one last shot: The Dunn Walmart is not even in Dunn technically, it's in closest to Erwin, but that's a minor detail.

Thursday, August 9, 2007 6:58 AM

Lillington, NC

Ahh, the trap and pitfalls of the internet.

Guys, I say those things completely tongue in cheek. I KNOW there are more ghetto places, and I've been in far more harrowing situations. I'm exaggerating for effect. Where's your senses of humor?

Thursday, August 9, 2007 1:37 PM

Annapolis, MD

LoL. You got flamed.

Thursday, August 9, 2007 2:12 PM

Lillington, NC

I'd also like to say that Conrad telling me to grow a set gave me a chuckle. Honestly...Conrad?

Plus you guys jumped to a lot of conclusions there. I never said I wouldn't go to Dunn late at night. Most of it was a joke aside from the fact I hate going there because it's trashy.

But hey, that's message boards, right? There has to be some rule that you must be at least somewhat condescending OR able to handle the abuse to join them.

Thursday, August 9, 2007 2:17 PM

Anywhere but here

I must say, I've toned down my rants...not the ones of the old camel net that brough in family members and methods of contraception. Yes its true, I am getting is Dan.....sucha N008, turnin the big ZI!!!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007 3:12 PM

Lillington, NC

As I said in an earlier thread, we're in the wheelchair stage of our college careers.

Thursday, August 9, 2007 4:37 PM


Lol I agree we're def. in the wheelchair stage, makes me feel old as shit seeing yet another freshman class come in with all their hopes and dreams, before they're crushed underneath the financial/religious hammer of Campbell.

My sense of humor will visit when you start being funny :-P

Thursday, August 9, 2007 7:17 PM

Lillington, NC

Pfff...I'm hilarious, you just don't know it yet.

Thursday, August 9, 2007 8:11 PM


Dunn doesn't scare me.  No one said it was "scary"....  Of course it doesn't live up to the hood..but it's STILL got the classic charms of redneck ghetto written all over it.

I stated not to go there between 6 and 12 strictly because they usually have no more than 8 registers opened (out of, what?  35?) and it's just a big clusterfuck of people trying to buy motor oil and pampers.

I hate that place because I'm impatient.

Let's move on.

Any more tips?

Friday, August 10, 2007 10:51 PM

Winston-Salem, NC

If one lives on campus (men's side), a jaunty walk to the Exxon on the otherside of the new dorms can make one feel less like an uber fatty for buying 6 FastBreak bars and eating 2 or more before making it back to the dorms. This is, of course, relative to driving.

Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:54 AM


There is a little trailer on Marshbanks (on the right if you are coming from Leslie Campbell toward 421) and there are three-four tarp-covered piles.  The lady who lives there will randomly have yard sales.

The items at her yard sales come mostly from the dumpster where she has been seen diving on many occasions.  Just a little FYI.

Saturday, August 11, 2007 11:06 PM

Community Discussion » Campus Life » A Day in the Life (Tips and Tricks for life in the Creek)

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