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Community Discussion » The Oasis » The Camel Logo
Lillington, NC

Campbell is truly run by a group of idiots. After only two years, our new Fighting Camel logo is being replaced by the old "running" camel logo. Why do they do these things? I thought when Wiggins died we could leave the stone age.

Guess not.

Friday, September 28, 2007 2:12 AM


Thought that was just "in the talks" rather than finalized.

Also no matter what logo they go with the old gaylord mascot kicked the shit out of the fighting camel one that has such a hole in it's neck you swear it's got a voice box.

Friday, September 28, 2007 5:29 PM

Annapolis, MD

how much is it gonna cost campbell in extra money ? marketing? i mean, everything in the bookstore will have to be re-stocked...

Monday, October 8, 2007 8:19 AM

Lillington, NC

It's not supposed to cost anything...they're going to phase it out slowly.

But, from what I hear, there's a pretty strong movement by the students to keep it the same, although the older folks (you know, the ones with all the money) want the old Camel back.

Thursday, October 11, 2007 7:01 PM

Community Discussion » The Oasis » The Camel Logo

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