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Community Discussion » Camel Chat » Why is it...
Lillington, NC

...that every year there has to be a new "black people invade white America" movie? You know the type, like "How High" where two black guys get into Harvard. Now it's black guys at a country club. WHY do these people bitch and moan and complain about racism and stereotyping, yet continue to produce things (movies/music/KFC/watermelon patches/etc.) that perpetuate those same stereotypes? Have you seen these movies? They attempt to pull out every stereotype they possibly can, and then wonder why people have the perception that black people are ignorant, rude, and usually stoned.

I'm still waiting for the Kanye West documentary "Da White Man Be Holdin' Me Down!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:23 PM

Anywhere but here

Its because white college kids who want to be black keep paying to see them, or purchase them...dopey *cough cough*

Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:40 PM

Lillington, NC

HAHA...Dopey has a Kanye song on his Myspace profile.

The irony kills me.

Thursday, August 16, 2007 4:07 PM

Community Discussion » Camel Chat » Why is it...

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