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Lillington, NC

...screw you and your global warming, Al Gore.

I'm cereal.

Monday, August 13, 2007 8:37 PM

Anywhere but here

I am surprised that Creationists aren't all for global warming. To support it would also add credibility to the Young Earth Theory that the earth is only 8,000 years old. This would emphasize that the temperature change is of a greater effect on us. Evolutionists to prove that the earth is older should support the theory that the earth is billions of years old, and therefore our data is too narrow and does not reflect reoccuring temperature cycles between warm tropical eras, and ice ages.

Anyone else have thoughts on global warming?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 5:03 AM


Its too freaking hot.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 12:04 PM

Lillington, NC

Campbell actually offers a course on creationism vs evolution every  few years. If you ever need to take a random science credit, try this class out. Dr. Metz does a good job of showing BOTH sides of the argument equally and allowing you to draw your own conclusions. You really come out of that class with an entirely new persepective on things.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:00 PM


Having taken some science courses and being friends with a bunch of science people, there is a lot of quality professor for science.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:37 PM

Lillington, NC

Dr. Wells is awesome...Dr. Bloom is the best science teacher @ this school.

And Dr. Jung may very well be Lucifer himself.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 8:09 PM

Anywhere but here

No that's Kiu, right Dan?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:00 AM


I always knew Satan was a small asian man....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:23 PM


To quote a show I don't remember, "So what if my kids can't see a polar bear...I've never seen one and my life is fine."

But in reality the increasing heat does suck especially when you work outside.

Friday, August 17, 2007 1:10 AM

Anywhere but here

or inside for that matter, especially in a kitchen. Its bad enough when you slave in the heat inside, only to come out to a hot ass car.

Friday, August 17, 2007 5:09 AM

Community Discussion » Camel Chat » It's 100 degrees outside...

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