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Views: 136

My sister and I
Views: 166

Views: 127

Views: 124

Ryan and I
Views: 148

Views: 120

Views: 85

Views: 104

Views: 91

Views: 121

Views: 87

Views: 102

Me trying to sleep
Views: 148

Marissa and I
Views: 150

Me, Joey, and Elise
Views: 154
Comments: 1
Last: 11/01/2005

My Baby
Views: 185
Comments: 1
Last: 11/01/2005

At the Red sox game
Views: 169
Comments: 2
Last: 07/15/2005

Amherst Buddies
Views: 121

Me and Judy
Views: 136

Me and My best friend
Views: 168
Comments: 1
Last: 09/21/2005

Judy's paddle
Views: 140

Amherst Buddies
Views: 167

Lunch group
Views: 134

John and I
Views: 147

Bowling Night
Views: 152

Christina and I
Views: 145

D.K.L Represent!
Views: 175

Me and Ashley
Views: 148

My Paddle
Views: 204
Comments: 4
Last: 01/20/2005

Group shot
Views: 173

Aaron and Judy
Views: 157

Phi Sig and Initiates
Views: 166
Comments: 2
Last: 10/20/2004

Bull Van
Views: 154

Why IS 88 better than 69?
Views: 235
Comments: 6
Last: 10/24/2004

Krystal's room
Views: 155

Armend's Party
Views: 156

Good Irish Girls
Views: 139

Too far away
Views: 123

Views: 196
Comments: 9
Last: 09/20/2004

Phi Sig Sexies!
Views: 229

Views: 124

amy and Christina
Views: 141

Game Night
Views: 181
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