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The girls
Views: 107

Me and Ashley
Views: 91

Me and Amy
Views: 80

Hot tubbing in Georgia
Views: 168
Comments: 1
Last: 03/05/2005

Jbaker and Kyle
Views: 75

The White Tees first night out
Views: 206
Comments: 3
Last: 05/22/2005

The Girls
Views: 85

The Faaaaccce
Views: 82

Lots of Natty
Views: 139
Comments: 3
Last: 11/08/2005

The boys bowling
Views: 109

The Girls before Ybor
Views: 148
Comments: 1
Last: 03/05/2005

Joey and Jbake
Views: 114
Comments: 1
Last: 03/05/2005

The White Tees
Views: 88

Me, Caitlin and Cameron
Views: 134
Comments: 1
Last: 01/06/2005

Views: 119
Comments: 1
Last: 01/07/2005

Views: 112

What happened to the golf hats??
Views: 106
Comments: 2
Last: 01/07/2005

Me, Jbake and Caitlin before goin out
Views: 286
Comments: 9
Last: 01/13/2005

Me and Td after loosing beer pong
Views: 125
Comments: 3
Last: 01/07/2005

Me and Liz
Views: 92

Me, Lara and Britt before Roundup
Views: 137
Comments: 3
Last: 01/06/2005

Td and his beloved Elenore
Views: 144
Comments: 9
Last: 01/07/2005

Me and Lara
Views: 135
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