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Being silly with Lauren as always
Views: 156
Comments: 1
Last: 03/16/2005

So many drinks, so little time!
Views: 160
Comments: 1
Last: 03/16/2005

Double-fisting it
Views: 130

Me and Carlton
Views: 123
Comments: 2
Last: 03/16/2005

Lauren and Max
Views: 114

Me and Lauren pole dancing
Views: 219
Comments: 1
Last: 04/16/2005

Lauren and Me
Views: 102

Lauren being random
Views: 149

Hanging out at Greg's party
Views: 114
Comments: 1
Last: 03/16/2005

Me and Johnny
Views: 124

Firefighter Lauren
Views: 95

Awesome shirt!
Views: 137
Comments: 1
Last: 03/06/2005

We had to do it!
Views: 137

Who is this dude?
Views: 93

The First Aid guys thought this would be funny...
Views: 226
Comments: 3
Last: 09/07/2005

Decked out car!
Views: 110

Kristin's fam and friends
Views: 118
Comments: 2
Last: 04/02/2005

True JB Fans!
Views: 96

Views: 134

Cheers to Jimmy!
Views: 108

Kristin hula-hooping
Views: 114
Comments: 2
Last: 03/08/2005

Kristin licking the pecker!
Views: 173
Comments: 3
Last: 04/26/2007

At the Support Our Troops Party
Views: 275
Comments: 9
Last: 03/06/2005

My lovely t-shirt
Views: 147

Views: 94
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