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Danica's ride
Views: 130

My dream girl!
Views: 134

We kicked ass!
Views: 144

Did anyone else find this annoying?
Views: 305
Comments: 10
Last: 09/30/2005

First Down Bulls!
Views: 147

It's Hootie!!
Views: 165

The gang @ the game
Views: 147

Views: 203
Comments: 6
Last: 09/15/2005

Crazy Frog
Views: 153

Mindy and Chris
Views: 153

Sign where you miss
Views: 152

Chris' sis, passed out (almost)
Views: 228
Comments: 3
Last: 04/09/2006

Views: 156

drunk Chris, after absinth
Views: 137
Comments: 2
Last: 09/13/2005

look an action shot, well not really...
Views: 166
Comments: 4
Last: 08/10/2005

me with Jeff Gordon's car
Views: 186
Comments: 12
Last: 09/09/2005

me in front of DEI
Views: 140

more virtual me
Views: 131

My house from space
Views: 135

The virtual me
Views: 121

Virtual ME!
Views: 113

then the loop
Views: 77

Sheikra's drop
Views: 93

then spin around
Views: 124

face down
Views: 93

then drop again
Views: 99
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