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Views: 227
Comments: 2
Last: 06/10/2004

Campus lodge pool
Views: 339
Comments: 10
Last: 06/10/2004

More formal
Views: 172

Me and Tina(lol)
Views: 176
Comments: 1
Last: 05/02/2004

Me and Carley
Views: 155

Brandon, Me, Hersh
Views: 174

Me, KK, and Des
Views: 213
Comments: 2
Last: 05/01/2004

Desmonds hot tub
Views: 317
Comments: 5
Last: 05/06/2004

On the way to ybor
Views: 249
Comments: 5
Last: 05/01/2004

Future Car
Views: 144

Celebration Lunch
Views: 161

Me and Zinzi
Views: 196

Views: 175
Comments: 1
Last: 06/14/2004

Views: 235

Few of the guys
Views: 181

Me and Courtney
Views: 271
Comments: 1
Last: 12/01/2004

More condo
Views: 213

Bathroom break
Views: 256
Comments: 5
Last: 12/27/2006

ZTA Formal
Views: 170

Watermelon Bust
Views: 202
Comments: 1
Last: 03/31/2004

Hot ZTA's on beach
Views: 465
Comments: 10
Last: 03/31/2004

True studs
Views: 181
Comments: 1
Last: 03/23/2004

The crew
Views: 190
Comments: 4
Last: 11/27/2004

Views: 145

Tequila shots
Views: 273
Comments: 7
Last: 06/15/2004

Courtney Sandwich
Views: 287
Comments: 2
Last: 03/23/2004

How big?
Views: 224
Comments: 1
Last: 05/21/2007

Fuck as drunk
Views: 266
Comments: 3
Last: 03/27/2004

Court and Lexi
Views: 227

Views: 171

Sand Penis
Views: 239

More Canadians!
Views: 138

Body Shots
Views: 281
Comments: 3
Last: 03/15/2004

Me and Kale
Views: 276
Comments: 1
Last: 03/17/2004

Me and the Canadians
Views: 303
Comments: 1
Last: 03/17/2004

Views: 209

clubbin during SB
Views: 307
Comments: 1
Last: 03/15/2004

ZTA's in shower
Views: 1341
Comments: 48
Last: 01/24/2008

Views: 209
Comments: 1
Last: 03/15/2004

Me, Josh(roommate), Ryan(best friend)
Views: 431
Comments: 13
Last: 03/06/2004

Views: 320
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