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Fatty! <3
Views: 277
Comments: 11
Last: 04/08/2007

He's hunting
Views: 137

My loves!!
Views: 97

My little superman...BRB off to get Lois Lane!
Views: 146
Comments: 2
Last: 05/03/2007

Me and my baby :)
Views: 511
Comments: 24
Last: 05/01/2007

Me and Ash
Views: 843
Comments: 20
Last: 04/22/2007

Gloria Estefan!
Views: 436
Comments: 19
Last: 03/24/2007

Me and the roomie
Views: 146

ACC Basketball
Views: 219

Views: 117

Sex it upppppp!
Views: 537
Comments: 24
Last: 03/15/2007

USF Baseball game vs Stetson
Views: 167
Comments: 1
Last: 03/11/2007

Senior Awards
Views: 113

Mom & Dad
Views: 100

Back @ the Bishop
Views: 225
Comments: 9
Last: 03/01/2007

Views: 113

Views: 101

Views: 97

Views: 126

Views: 98

Me and Mike at the Bishop
Views: 240
Comments: 10
Last: 02/26/2007

Mike and I at Hinder
Views: 162
Comments: 2
Last: 02/26/2007

Views: 128

Katie and I being bat girls...with Tino!
Views: 412
Comments: 14
Last: 02/25/2007

With Tino!
Views: 162
Comments: 2
Last: 02/20/2007

Vinny's a USF FAN!!
Views: 558
Comments: 25
Last: 02/16/2007

Jus' me
Views: 386
Comments: 18
Last: 02/16/2007

Sooo beat after Gasparilla!
Views: 437
Comments: 8
Last: 02/13/2007

Derek Jeter!!!
Views: 410
Comments: 10
Last: 02/10/2007

Michael Bush
Views: 295
Comments: 4
Last: 12/11/2006

Views: 109

Papa Johns in Papa Johns Stadium
Views: 225
Comments: 9
Last: 11/21/2006

Louisville airport
Views: 87

Me and Johnny Unitas
Views: 255
Comments: 8
Last: 06/14/2007

Rocky and I
Views: 124
Comments: 2
Last: 11/21/2006

Views: 171
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