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nice tits
Views: 385
Comments: 1
Last: 11/03/2005

the great boobilini
Views: 211

nerds r so easy
Views: 204

now thats what i am talkin bout...34 dd
Views: 260
Comments: 4
Last: 11/08/2005

2 sexy ass indians..i painted abs on
Views: 526
Comments: 6
Last: 07/15/2005

thats the "fuckabitchup" tribe...
Views: 452
Comments: 1
Last: 06/26/2005

i look retarded...and sideways..maybe i was drunk
Views: 716
Comments: 30
Last: 06/26/2005

big pimpin...but i still look retarded
Views: 431
Comments: 5
Last: 09/14/2005

drinkin jack while brushin ur teeth...not good
Views: 1034
Comments: 45
Last: 08/22/2005

gettin faded
Views: 251

armando nice face
Views: 316
Comments: 3
Last: 06/14/2005

its entertainment watchin others drunk....
Views: 634
Comments: 23
Last: 09/07/2005
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