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Veteran is the only one standing

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got this from a site by Veterans.

^fuck all us evil americans spreading freedom and killing terrorists. i wish we all could live in a constant state of fear under evil tyrants

you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want about this country, but there is a reason your ancestors came here. thats right, it is better here than wherever the fuck they came from. except for slaves, they pretty much got a raw deal. however current descendants of slaves are living much better in this country than they would be if they were in africa now.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:36 AM


^^^^ they already tried that it was called the sedition acts... amazing how they didnt work out... and how u dont know what you're talking about

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:22 AM


quote :

just because i think this picture is being misconstrued by a bunch of nationalists in a pissing contest to see who is most patriotic doesn't mean i hate the u.s

we are not in a pissing contest. myself and others on this site actually love this country and what it stands for. i respect it so much i would die to protect it and its freedoms. when you disparage the USA, you insult all of us that believe in it.

whats funny is you insult the country that gives you the right to say what you say.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:47 AM


I love America too. Don't get me wrong. But we are not by any means perfect. Nor does having wealth necessarily equate with being the best.
I am not proud to be an American for pride implies some sort of hierarchical ranking system; rather, I think I am lucky to be one. The luck of birth. However, it does not necessarily mean I am entitled to all of this privilege.
As far as this:

quote :

fuck all us evil americans spreading freedom and killing terrorists. i wish we all could live in a constant state of fear under evil tyrants

I find there is fear in America. Fear to dissent from a dichotomous Judeo-Christian morality that has been passed down. Think of that the next time you realize that the upper-class, white, male, Christian politicians might not exactly be representing you or even have your best interests in mind.
Freedom seems more an illusion than anything.
Ideals, when practically applied, however noble, usually fall short.

[Edited by FloridaKai on 11/23/2005 12:07:51 AM. Reason for edit: .]

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:06 AM


^fear of a politician not representing your ideas and fear of disappearing in the middle of the night are two totally different things. if you dont like who is in office, elect someone else.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:29 PM


My grandpa used to say, "The difference between us and the Soviet union is they know they're not free".

Think about that for a minute.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 5:29 PM


my "ancestors" didn't come here, i'm a first-generation american.

and holy god, kf2432432ra, if i have the right to say what i want and honestly, i don't hate the u.s., why are you getting so touchy? i'm not insulting "all" of you, just those on this particular thread because you're lashing out at me when i'm just saying what many others who have similar views to mine are thinking.

i vote whenever possible, i am not a member of any major political party, and in 2004, i waited almost three hours to vote for whom i wanted to take office. just because i am allowed to do these things without persecution and just because i can say whatever the fuck and i choose to criticize the government doesn't make me any less 'american' than you. being 'american' doesn't mean 'who has the most u.s. flags on their car' or 'who is the first to join up when they turn 18.' jesus.

and back to the "insulting all of you," if you love the u.s. so very dearly and all that it stands for, you should also learn true american history, the roots of our actions throughout the world right now, and why there's a growing number of people just like me. i've been a "liberal" since the sixth grade and i've heard all this shit many times before. it gets a little old.

p.s. please notice the "i think" statement of any comment i make. it's an opinion, i'm not getting huffy at yours, just at your response to mine.

[Edited by HairyBearChaos on 11/23/2005 8:46:54 AM. Reason for edit: dammit typos ihu]

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:44 PM


^^thats tits right there

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:07 PM


quote :

my "ancestors" didn't come here, i'm a first-generation american.

so you just appeared out of the thin air? just to let you know, your parents are your ancestors.

quote :

and in 2004, i waited almost three hours to vote for whom i wanted to take office

thats cause you are a dumbass, you should have voted a few days early like most people did.

you are only a liberal cause you like doing illegal drugs, and you feel that the government or someone else owes you something.

[Edited by Kf4zra on 11/23/2005 12:33:29 PM. Reason for edit: :]

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:31 PM



i fucking hate you.

you are honestly a disgrace to good republicans everywhere.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:32 PM


um i know quite a few very conservative republicans that smoke pot and one is quite the cokehead.

being a liberal doesn't automatically make me a drug addict. and i know that my parents are my ancestors but there are better words with a much clearer connotation than ancestors.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:39 PM


oh and now you're just picking apart little shit i'm saying because there's nothing else you can say. i was busy days earlier and i couldn't vote, i had several hours before my first class that day and decided to vote in the morning instead of later when it would get worse.

let's keep going. this is fun.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:40 PM


my grandfather emailed me this pic, what it implies makes me very sad. If you spend a lot of time speaking to veterans and hearing their stories and realizing how amazing they are, and how little respect and recognition they get for the sacrifices they made... what this picture implies is a very sad message

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:36 PM


KF4ZRA, since you mentioned "liberal", secifically that HBC is "only a liberal cause you like doing illegal drugs", shall we mention why YOU might be a liberal? Let's look at some of your "interests" as listed in your user profile, shall we?

jimmy buffett>> Now there's a liberal if there ever was one. When he's not busy trying to save nature, he's writing large checks to the Democratic Party and preaching everything that is anti-Republican.

quentin tarantino movies>> Another favorite of the Liberal Left, he was the president of the film critic jury that awarded Michael Moore the coveted Palme D'Or for FAHRENHEIT 9/11 at the Cannes Film Festival in 2004.

dave chappelle>> Another favorite of the Liberal Left, he was referred to as "a no-talent ass-clown" by the NRO, a Conservative think tank founded by William Buckley.

blackjack, roulette>> Gambling is something that is rarely supported by the Conservative Right.

I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just suggesting that you may not want to do so until you clean up your own back yard.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:57 PM


Mr. Scottly is the tits.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:13 AM


i never said i was a republican, nor a conservative, where the hell are you guys getting this idea?

i have nothing to hide, i dont break laws, and i love my country. you guys seem to get pissed at people like me. i have quite the fanbase forming.

[Edited by Kf4zra on 11/23/2005 2:17:30 PM. Reason for edit: :]

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:13 AM


Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:22 AM


^thank you, someone finally gets it.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:28 AM


I'm ganna add South Park and Family Guy to Scottly's list btw.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:37 AM


whatever, you may not be republican or conservative, but you're definately anti-liberal, and mrscottly poined out that you're a hypocrit.

most college republicans are hypocrites too. I've seen peoples facebook profiles where they say they are "conservative", but they listen to system of a down and worship dave chappelle. its funny.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:39 AM


College Conservatives arn't really conservatives...

they just slept in their parents bed until they were 16, and can't think for themselves yet.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:42 AM


^ except, of course, if your parents are liberal, and in that case your statement wouldn't make too much sense

Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:12 AM


Growing up in Crystal River... redneck capital of the world, I didn't know to many liberal parents...

Actually the only ones I can recall are my buddys very intelligent, doctor parents :-D

Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:18 AM


I don't think you understood my point.

quote :

if you dont like who is in office, elect someone else.

That assumes there are a variety of types of people that are in politics, doesn't it? That was my point. There aren't. And in a winner-take-all, two-party system, (that posese issues in a false dichotomous opposition) there really isn't much of a real choice.

[Edited by FloridaKai on 11/23/2005 3:39:08 PM. Reason for edit: stupid /]

Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:38 AM


quote :

whatever, you may not be republican or conservative, but you're definately anti-liberal, and mrscottly poined out that you're a hypocrit.

i dont get how he proved me a "hypocrit" please enlighten me. you obviously do not even know what a libertarian is?

scottly thought i was a republican, if i was, i might be able to draw a correlation, but since i'm not, i dont see how i'm a "hypocrit".

Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:48 AM


How do we know this guy is a veteran anyway?

And just because you don't stand doesn't mean you are disrespecting the country. If anything, you're embracing the country. We're like, what, the fattest country in the world? Embrace the laziness!

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:03 AM


^^you love liberals (jimmy, quinten, dave, etc.)

but you're anti-liberal

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:22 AM


KF4zra....just to be clear, I never called you a hypocrite. Somehow, I think there is a little bit of hypocracy in all of us. But, you clearly took an argument with HBC and started a senseless finger-point by stating that she was liberal. You turned it into a political values showdown by doing that. I'm not being malicious toward you in any way, just pointing something out.

I don't know if you are Libertarian, Republican, or anything else for that matter. I consider myself conservative, but am certainly wise enough to know that burning a little rolled-up mother nature does not make someone a liberal....it just makes them high.

I don't toke, but 30 million fucking Americans are, I certainly can't believe that they are all liberal in their political thinking. Many people have made good points in this little discussion and I would like to see more. But patriotism, no matter how hard to define, doesn't have lines drawn between Democrats and Republicans.

My father was a pro-union Democrat, voluntarily serving in the Merchant Marines during WW2, later enlisting in the Army and serving in the Korean war as a foot soldier. He was granted double veteran status when Merchant Marines were recognized as veterans in the early nineties. Shall we say he is less partriotic because of his political leanings? He'd roll out of his grave and shoot anyone who made such an accusation.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:26 AM


goddammit THANK YOU

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:30 AM


I am a registered Green.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:33 AM


quote :

or wyoming.

nah, i been to wyoming, theres no bank of americas there.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:36 AM


scottly, i wasnt saying you were calling me a "hypocrit" i was mocking this jackass

quote :

3532 Posts

whatever, you may not be republican or conservative, but you're definately anti-liberal, and mrscottly poined out that you're a hypocrit.

in terms of values, there is a huge difference in the democratic party of the WWII era and today.

quote :

I don't know if you are Libertarian, Republican, or anything else for that matter. I consider myself conservative, but am certainly wise enough to know that burning a little rolled-up mother nature does not make someone a liberal....it just makes them high.

I don't toke, but 30 million fucking Americans are, I certainly can't believe that they are all liberal in their political thinking. Many people have made good points in this little discussion and I would like to see more. But patriotism, no matter how hard to define, doesn't have lines drawn between Democrats and Republicans

i wanted to clear this up too. i dont do any drugs, dont condone drug use, or suggest anyone use drugs; however, who the fuck am i to tell them what they can do to themselves. the drug comment was basically pointing of hairy&stinkychaos liking to do drugs, and the libs out in oregon and the Peoples Rebublik of Kalifornia seem to be getting the medical marijuana legislation passed.

again, if anyone gives a shit, Libertarians, of which i am one, believe in lifting drug laws. but most liberals are too concerned with their own bitching and finger pointing to realize that others share their beliefs.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 4:11 AM


i just can't wait until the next time i do illegal drugs.

maybe i'll get horny and masturbate to your photo gallery.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 6:40 AM


Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:48 AM


god i love it when guys vomit on me

Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:03 AM

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