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Trust Me, I'm A Doctor

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Morning of my clinical skills physical exam.
Tampa, New York

Awww its Doctor Brugger! Nice scrubs

Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:11 PM

mandalikewhoa're cute.

Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:21 PM


very cute... but scary that you are going to be a doctor!! I'm still in shock!! MISS YA!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:31 PM

Cute N Confuzd

that skeleton puts all new meaning to stick up his ass! oh ur cute 2

Friday, January 21, 2005 1:35 AM


The skeleton's name is Mr.Slim
Is it really THAT scary that i'm going to be an M.D.???

Thanks for the great comments ladies!

Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:46 AM


Wow, that is so great you are going to a doctor

"Trust me, I'm a Doctor" Does that get you all of the ladies?

Sunday, January 23, 2005 3:33 AM

Tampa, New York

of course it does!

Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:19 AM


Just the ones with genital defects...hehehehe

Sorry, I had to say it. I couldn't help myself!

[Edited by MattyBoy on 1/22/2005 7:02:52 PM. Reason for edit: tehehehehe]

Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:02 AM

Tampa, New York

hahahahahah.. you mean the penile (spell?) implants? Lord....

Monday, January 24, 2005 1:39 AM


genital implants???
genital defects????
I don't think i want to know what's going through your mind.

I don't think that line gets me any ladies... Maybe some ladies laughing AT me but that's about it:
Doctor = Smart
Smart = Nerd
Nerd = Dork
Dork = No Ladies
No Ladies = No Dates

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:51 AM


Makes Mr. Slim behind ya look pretty hot huh?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:51 AM


Yeah... Mr.Slim keeps me company from time to time; especially during my anatomy studying.
We have a good patient-doctor relationship.

Don't worry... you can also see my XBox controller next to me. That also keeps me company on lonely nights.

Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:20 AM


you're giving dr. carter and dr. benton a run for their money ::winks::

Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:43 AM


brugger!! how's the ol' med school treatin' ya?? i'll have to agree w/ the other ladies, this new look is quite attractive, then again, i do kinda have a thing for a man in scrubs! ; )

Friday, January 28, 2005 7:52 AM


excellent picture of you... and also yeah playing xbox helps with your manual dexterity and it has been proven that surgeons perform better on the table after they have played a bit of a visually intensive video game before going into the OR.

Friday, January 28, 2005 12:28 PM


That's just their excuse for playing video games on your insurance provider's time!

Friday, January 28, 2005 2:06 PM


Video Games are great for med school when it's winter time. Blow off some steam and still stay warm; that's what i'm talking about!
Latest game: Ghost Recon 2
Oldest game: Dr.Marion (i am God-like in that game)

KazyKollege: are you saying i should drop out of med school and go into acting? ;)

Sexycelica: i bet you have a thing for a man in scrubs. So is it the hair or is it the "uniform" that is "quite attractive." Hope you and your doctor friend are having fun!??!

Saturday, February 5, 2005 7:08 PM


You're not a doctor yet... Nice try though.

Friday, February 18, 2005 7:16 AM


Not yet... but soon enough.

Friday, February 18, 2005 8:03 AM


"Sorry, I would stay and have a drink, but I have surgery in the morning"

"I bet you make all the girls wet with that line"

"Yes, but it's often the truth. Christian Troy, Plastic Surgeon."


Doctors get crazy laid. At least on Tv.

Monday, February 28, 2005 2:26 AM


M.D.= lots of money
lots of money = lots of women

Monday, February 28, 2005 3:28 AM


M.D.s do make a pretty good living, and if that's what girls are attracted to, so be it.
I thought girls like uniforms!??!
Therefore, I guess i have the "double threat" going for me: Navy Physician

P.S. I found the article about surgeons and video games...

[Edited by Brugger on 3/4/2005 10:34:58 PM. Reason for edit: added link]

Saturday, March 5, 2005 8:32 AM

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