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another SAE with his bitch

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Krystle Burger

they look like barbie dolls in that picture...odd

Thursday, June 17, 2004 3:54 AM


yeah but she's still hot

Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:22 AM

Krystle Burger

shes gorgeous

Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:30 AM


Hell Yeah She's GORGEOUS! No woman is mentioned as GORGEOUS like her; she puts the orgE. in GORGEOUS!

[Edited by PitchMe on 1/29/2005 10:04:46 PM. Reason for edit: `]

Monday, June 28, 2004 2:06 AM


they suck! they bug the hell out of me in their show! she's funny because she's stupid and she doesn't do a damn thing but admire her louie voitton purse....sit around and look like barbie and he just walks around feeling like he's the man because he's got barbie sitting in his living room as a wife!
Talk about superficial

[Edited by kiki on 6/27/2004 4:19:48 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

Monday, June 28, 2004 2:09 AM


if they actually talked about interesting things then I would have respect for them but then again interesting could be different for everyone....Some people might actually think they are interesting. To me they are not because there is too many people like them in this world. That makes it not interesting.

Monday, June 28, 2004 2:12 AM


Now Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro....they're interesting! You can tell there is a lot going on in their minds.

[Edited by kiki on 6/27/2004 4:13:25 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

Monday, June 28, 2004 2:12 AM


Kiki I don't mean to be rude, but If I could sit in my living room knowing I had barbie doll like Jessica as a wife and have tons of cash I'd be thinkin i was the man as well. How superficial of me.

Monday, June 28, 2004 2:25 AM

Krystle Burger

Personally I think Dave and Carmen did the show just for attention....i thought it was lame when I saw the was just newlyweds with a gothic twist....i dont just trying too much i think

Monday, June 28, 2004 8:30 AM


The carmen elctra version sucked ass...

Alot going on in thier heads? Why? Carmen seems just as dumb as Jessica...

Nick shows in the show that atleast he has his head straight and knows how to do shit any MAN should know how to do. And hell yea he walks around feeln like the shit with Jessica, I would too, haha.

Dave? I didn't seem him do much of anything...

Monday, June 28, 2004 3:42 PM


well, they are all on t.v. b/c there are a lot of people interested in thier personal lives. I wish then all the best, no marriage should fail or falter. I'm sure there are good and bad sides that not everyone sees. Ya know?

Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:49 PM


If I only knew how to sing

Thursday, August 5, 2004 3:28 AM


doesnt make sense.

Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:10 AM


quote :

well, they are all on t.v. b/c there are a lot of people interested in thier personal lives. I wish then all the best, no marriage should fail or falter. I'm sure there are good and bad sides that not everyone sees. Ya know?

No one cares about their personal lives, they just like watching Jessica make an ass out of herself.

Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:17 AM



Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:19 AM


quote :

If I only knew how to sing

i dont recall Nick ever knowing how to sing..

[Edited by Cire19 on 8/4/2004 9:33:09 PM. Reason for edit: .]

Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:41 AM


Good enough to make alot of money with it.

Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:18 AM


i think shes smarter than she lets on. she makes the show interesting bc she is so dumb and real... she burps and farts on the show! it amuses me plus they are a cute couple.

Friday, October 1, 2004 12:41 AM

Hecht Money

Doesn't anyone realize that MTV puts whatever they want on the show?!?!? There are hours upon hours of editing...I'm sure all of you have said something just as stupid as Jessica Simpson! But I don't understand what is so stupid about making millions off of your "stupidity"...Think about it!

Friday, October 1, 2004 1:07 AM


my family is more entertaining than those two, I would rather just sit in my living room holding a frame in front of my face... neway, it is superficial to think you are the shit for having a "trophy wife" and lots of money. He may be happy now, but he will realize that there is no meaning in his life.. he needs Jesus.

Friday, October 1, 2004 1:43 AM

mimi dg

wow.. i didnt realize people cared so much about pop-culture... they are both hot.. get over it

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:01 PM

mimi dg

I need jesus

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:02 PM


yeah she is

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:32 PM


If you guys haven't realized that her acting dumb is a marketing tool, you're dumber than she really is.

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:52 PM


I want Jessica Simpson to have 12 of my kids...

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:31 PM

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