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I really love and respect this band, no matter what anyone says.

Hanson is awesome! I loved them back in the day and my sister got me hooked on their new stuff.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:03 AM


yay, i'm not the only fan here! I really love their new music. They've grown a lot musically ever since they went indie. =)

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:15 AM


Yea, their music is great. My sis and I had tickets to their concert last September at Ruth Eckerd Hall, but they cancelled b/c of a hurricane.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:17 AM


That was one of the concerts I wanted to go to but they wouldn't let me off of work for it. Sucks that it got cancelled. Hopefully, they'll be coming to USF for their Fall College Tour.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:35 AM


mmm bop

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:49 AM


^ aww, they have better songs than that! Try Rock 'n' Roll Razorblade, Love Somebody To Know, and Lost Without Each Other. Their new stuff is great. I wish people could get past the '97 Hanson. =(

[Edited by Carolie on 7/5/2005 7:01:42 PM. Reason for edit: .]

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:56 AM


whoa, how strange.

<~ Listening to Penney and Me at the moment.

I'm kind of in charge of the USF stop of the Fall College Tour. Noone got back to me from USF, tho. Guess I'll try again.

(It's not scheduled yet. We have to get USF to agree and then contact them. They want to come in October)

[Edited by Sk8aBull on 7/5/2005 10:06:16 PM. Reason for edit: some more details!]

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:05 AM


^Really?! That's great that they want to come to USF. I was getting ready to fill out the College Tour form on Hanson's site because I wasn't sure if anyone had. I even went and asked Harry Dash (my favorite local band) if it was ok to put them down as a potential opener (they said they really liked the cause after reading the AYL site). I hope the school will let them though.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:29 AM

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