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The Bull Dozer

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This is my pride and joy, a 1999 Dodge Ram decked out in the USF logos. I originally made it for Homecoming 2003, and have added to it bit by bit. Unfortunately, I'm broke right now, so I haven't added anything recently.

Brandon Faza,
You are the man! Thanks alot for helping me out at the Memphis game this Saturday! You know!

Needless to say...
I'm not going to drink OJ for awhile.

Nice Dodge Truck by the way...
Too bad we already have the Deltona Dodge saying... lol

Monday, November 29, 2004 9:02 AM



Monday, November 29, 2004 10:29 AM


Actually, there's a story behind the no-USF-license plate deal. Apparently, there's some sort of rule that once you've formally registered a license plate number with the state, you have to pay some absurd $100 amount to have it officially changed. I used to drive an old Mustang, and my little brother drives it now, and in order for him to have his own license plate, my dad had to "officially" change the Mustang's plate registration to his plate and move my plate to the Dodge. So now I have to fork over another $100 or whatever fee to have mine changed to put a USF license plate on there (THA FAZ is six letters and the USF license plates can only hold 5, so it has to be changed). And, since I'm totally broke, I'm waiting for money to free up to "buy" a USF plate. That's another one of those improvements I'm working on... Bulls truck, no Bulls license plate... I know!

Monday, November 29, 2004 12:28 PM


bahah, i remember when someone took a drunken piss on this truck

Monday, November 29, 2004 8:36 PM


what a waste of money

Monday, November 29, 2004 9:32 PM

Cape Coral

^^ ha ha ha ^^ You should learn to drive better... everyone knows who the jackass is when you have USF logos all over your white dodge ram... You like to cut people off a lot don't you?

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:11 AM


rinpants: I heard about the drunken piss story a while back... thought it was kinda funny...

gschwaid: If you can't have pride (or respect others' pride) in your school, the place where you (or your parents,
or your scholarships & loans) spend thousands of dollars, perhaps you are wasting your money.

LayaSurfer: You know, one thing I realized when I had the truck done is that nobody will be able to mistake
whose it is anymore... normally, when someone cuts someone else off, you get mad for a second and you
forget about it. But the minute you can recognize their vehicle as something other than a random green
Civic or something, you remember them forever. All it takes is one time! And I know everyone has done
something stupid on the road at one time or another that pissed someone else off... but I can't get away
with it like a random car can. And I gotta admit, when I've been late, I've cut people off before... but
who hasn't?

[Edited by FazaUSF on 11/29/2004 9:26:02 PM. Reason for edit: to add "or respect others' pride.]

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 6:55 AM


dodge trucks suck

Saturday, February 5, 2005 10:32 AM


Yeah, actually, the thing sucks oil like it's air, and little things keep breaking on it too. I haven't owned any other type of truck, and I love the one I have now... but I can see where you'd be throwin' dirt at Dodge...

Saturday, February 5, 2005 11:35 AM


BnB all the way!

Saturday, February 5, 2005 12:36 PM

St. Petersburg

My roomate did most of the vinyl on that turd. That's why most of it is crooked.

Sunday, February 6, 2005 12:00 AM


POS waste of money truck

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 12:34 PM


Well sir, I have chosen to believe in a higher service to the university which has made me who I am. You may disagree with the manner in which I have chosen to manifest said belief, but I would concurrently question what amazing feats you have accomplished which better address such higher purposes. Your predictably lamentable response will probably amuse me and whomever else views your post.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:20 AM


special thanks goes out to Webster's dictionary and thesaurus.....

Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:17 PM


no, brandon really talks like that, lmao

Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:24 PM


Yes, a higher service to USF... I'm sure your crappy truck benefits the school and makes it a better place, because so many people give a damn. If you really wanted to provide a service, you should've started a scholarship fund with that money instead of wasting it on a truck that was crappy in the first place.
So, this is an accomplishment that addresses a higher purpose? Way to set your sights low. That way you'll it is harder to fail.

By the way, you are no better than any other asshole on this site, so don't condescendingly say that "it has made you who you are."

If your truck made you that great of a person, maybe you would've won one of the last two elections.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:14 PM


My truck was just a small part of the euphoria and school spirit which began as a result of the logo change, since it was the first widely visible display of the logo in the wake of athletics' tightlipped copyright policy. I brought it to every sporting event I could, including away games, which mind you are VERY lackluster in student attendance from USF fans. It was also the lead vehicle for the Homecoming parade for two years, and they asked me to do that due to its uniqueness and ability to strike awe in those who did not realize there are people who believe in USF enough to "officially devalue" their vehicle in favor of such a cause.

In addition, this truck was just a small part of the variety of efforts that I and many others (Brian Polson, Chris Lau, the list goes on) put towards making an effort as students to improve the atmosphere on campus regarding the stock that students take in their school.

With respect to your suggestion for providing a service - you may find it interesting that upon graduation, I and several other alumni have worked to establish a scholarship fund that we can donate to. I have arranged for a small amount to be transferred out of my account each month automatically. You see, none of us really have money to donate just yet, but we feel so strongly about the experiences we had at USF, that what little we can afford, we give. With time, the amount we give will grow. Hopefully, decent kids will have access to this money, not ungrateful bastards like yourself.

In addition, both of my campaigns made significant monetary contributions. Last year, JP and I put about 10% of our campaign budget towards Relay for Life in the form of pure donation, and this year, two of the major campaign contributors also ended up donors to the USF Foundation, which handles all university scholarship endowments. This was compounded with the excellent people who supported us that we were lucky enough to have and we are very appreciative of; including those who spent the entire night walking for Relay for Life, and people who care about the university and the community and show it every day.

So before I go any further, FUCK YOU.

Now... it is interesting that you chose to highlight the one piece of my post which is most in juxtaposition with the descriptor "condescendingly." In the rest of it, had your dim wit been turned on high late last night, you might have noticed a bit of condescension. But when I chose to write that USF made me who I am, I really meant it. The reason I care so much about the university and its people is because I look at the person who I was four years ago, and the remarkable change that the university has catalyzed amazes me and motivates me to be grateful. I would wish the same of you. You could use a little bit of it. But, then again, you get out of your education what you put into it.

Now you sir, may take your pitiable sentiments elsewhere. You represent the wretched ignorant populous that stands in the way of progress at our institution. More people such as yourself only contribute to the repute of the university as a "diploma mill." Take a hint. Fuck off.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:21 PM


^ burn

Friday, June 24, 2005 12:33 AM


This is the Sandman (Rico), and not OhCheesesRice (Phong).

^ Disagreed.

^^ Disagreed.

^^^ I'm tired of you.

You may be the real deal. You may be what the University needs in terms of school spirit. You may be the end-all, be-all of leadership. But here, as of late, you've come out looking like some self-rightious, flamboyant punk whose sole response to personal attacks are, "Listen, this is what I've done-- what have you done?" and, "Hey, why don't you go do the same thing that 90% of the school does and fuck off?" Way to make everything you've done come out to look like a penis-length competition.

I personally work dilligently on my degree.

I study hard to get A's, because I'm not fortunate enough to just sit around and do shit squat and fail because daddy's got dollar bills lining my suitcase.

But simply because I don't vote in your abysmal student elections, and because I don't participate in God damned school events across the God damned state, I have to suffer some punk like you who puts stickers on his truck and let him call me ignorant at the end of the day?

It's a great thing that you go to our school, Faza. It's wonderful. But all I've ever gotten out of you, personally, is you calling me ignorant and your god damned spam mail. Keep it.

-- Rico.

Friday, June 24, 2005 4:21 AM



Never have I claimed to be the "real deal" or the "end-all, be-all of leadership," and I do not recall ever having responded to a post from you. You are correct sir, in noting that as of late, I have responded to personal attacks through invalidating the claims of the individual making them, and I can even see where you'd say I look like a punk for doing it. That's what I get for getting sucked into the game. I wouldn't think to dispute that you work diligently on your degree, but I would point out that you don't sit here and call my work a waste of time, or attempt to illegitimately disrespect my doings. I have been responding to someone who has - and how can one respond but to defend one's record and hard work, and point out the illegitimacy of the claims?

I haven't told you to do anything - I haven't insinuated a single negative thing about you, sir. I have not called YOU ignorant. Spam mail - okay, I admit, it was a campaign tactic that seemed like a good idea at the time. Slam me for the campaign mail. But I don't feel that you have cause to respond negatively to me.

Tri11ian CHOSE to engage me. That individual has actively insulted what I believe in, and it is not out of the question for me to be unhappy about that. I wrote that people like Tri11ian, who can sit around and bash others, but do nothing themselves, contribute to the repute of USF being a diploma mill. You haven't done anything to my knowledge to bring down others who try to contribute, and you are therefore exempt of anything I wrote in response to being attacked.

You don't have to vote in the "abysmal student elections" or participate in school events. It's not necessary for a good education. But I would note that this doesn't make you eligible to attack someone who does for doing it, and this is the principle upon which I have invalidated Tri11ian's personal attacks.

I hope this clears up any suffering you've had to do on my behalf.

Friday, June 24, 2005 4:45 AM


**Throwing in my 2 cents**

There is more than meets the eye, Rico. If I might share a little information with you, not voting or caring about student government is ignorant. SG is not like it was in high school; they don't set up homecoming and prom, they control a lot of money. SG controls close to 8 million of our(students) dollars, voting for the right people makes sure that that money is going to go where it needs to giving our school and your education a boost. Not to mention voting for the right people to properly defend scholarship funds, such as bright futures that has been on the chopping block; luckily we haven't lost that yet.

School Spirit - Want to know a secret? A large portion of funds for a school comes from Alumni. Yes, the state gives large amounts, but the difference between USF's facilities and UF's are alumni support. Our alumni have money, we have lawyers, doctors, senators and even a famous wrestler all waiting to give USF money. But think, we're a young school, we just recently got serious athletics and yet look at the support we get from alumni. If you ever make it to a football game the stadium is pretty packed with bulls fans, many of whom are alumni. Imagine you are there supporting your alma mater and you look in the student section and see it half full, how bad do you want to donate money to them? Now if you look into the student section and see it packed, standing room only, people painted up, cheering the team on. Now you see that the students are excited, you see that if you donate money it is going to go where it is appreciated... "Hell, I need a tax break, and I learned a lot at USF. I'm going to call my accountant in the morning."

Do you know who controls that money coming in? Yes, student government.

Come on Rico, you're a smart guy, don't act like you're the other 90% of uninformed drunken idiots on this site.

Friday, June 24, 2005 5:02 AM


i think this truck rocks! good job brandon!

[Edited by laurusf20 on 6/23/2005 7:14:40 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

Friday, June 24, 2005 5:14 AM


quote :

Come on Rico, you're a smart guy, don't act like you're the other 90% of uninformed drunken idiots on this site.

And that would be where you just destroyed any valid points you had in the first two paragraphs. C'mon Brian.

Friday, June 24, 2005 5:31 AM


Brian's right. If SG will give me $26,000 of your money, something's wrong.

Hahahaha, suckers!

oh yeah, and brandon...our bus puts your truck to shame :P

[Edited by KTJeffries on 6/23/2005 10:37:15 PM. Reason for edit: shame shame]

Friday, June 24, 2005 8:36 AM


Damn I gotta see that bus too... I heard about the new deal for the redecoration. It looks hot! I readily admonish any and all recognition to anyone who would buy a BUS, pimp it out, cover it with cool shit including the USF logo, and drive it across the country to kick other schools' asses.

Okay, that sounded like I busted a nut over their bus. But take a look at the Society of Automotive Engineers website at http://www.usfracing.com/

Friday, June 24, 2005 8:57 AM


Post picture of bus please.

Friday, June 24, 2005 9:36 AM


This the bus you're talking about??

Friday, June 24, 2005 9:47 AM


^ Thank you. I have not seen this nor heard about this before.

Friday, June 24, 2005 9:56 AM


What the fuck is wrong with USF being a diploma mill? It is only a school and your dogmatic ass needs to realize that your efforts to make it better are a waste of time because IT DOESN"T FUCKING MATTER ANYWAY.
What the fuck difference does it matter where I go as long as I get a diploma? Stop wasting your time.

Friday, June 24, 2005 11:44 AM


I missed the bus pic.

[Edited by CrazyPills69 on 6/24/2005 2:01:53 AM. Reason for edit: fuck.]

Friday, June 24, 2005 12:01 PM


Well, with keeping the quality of education high your diploma means something... to say employers. Your stupidity overwhelms me.

shut it dan! ass

Friday, June 24, 2005 2:26 PM


quote :

gschwaid: If you can't have pride (or respect others' pride) in your school, the place where you (or your parents,
or your scholarships & loans) spend thousands of dollars, perhaps you are wasting your money.

That's a load of BS. I got me degree at FSU and I fucking loathed it. Now I'm working towards my Masters. My parents only wasted their money if I failed.

Friday, June 24, 2005 10:24 PM


Yes. It also has a full kitchen, toilet, sleeping for 15, satelite tv, wireless internet, awning, external stow away grill and a beer tap.

Friday, June 24, 2005 11:44 PM


See? That's what I'm talkin' about!

Promise me you won't let SG rent it out just b/c they paid for it...

Friday, June 24, 2005 11:50 PM


I SALUTE!!! that bus is the shiznit!!

Friday, June 24, 2005 11:53 PM

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