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Monday, July 11, 2005 10:08 AM

dirk diggler

is that Brandon Faza?

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:12 AM


Why are you guys harassing this guy? I never see him post and unfortunately, he deleted & reposted the pic that was comment whored on.

[Edited by OmNiSciEnT12b on 7/11/2005 12:26:00 AM. Reason for edit: Picture deleted before I could read the comments...]

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:23 AM


2810 Posts

The Village People called.... they want their homo back.
[ Edit] 5/27/2005 1:04:08 PM

2396 Posts

I find it hard to believe that since you got back from the gym (if you walked to your dorm or not) that you would still be that sweaty..

I sense a little bit of baby oil added...hmm..

[Edited by Melanie_Marie21 on 5/27/2005 3:10:15 PM. Reason for edit: .]
5/27/2005 3:09:52 PM

72 Posts

I ran back...its a long run from the gym to epsilon

5/27/2005 11:35:55 PM

72 Posts

Dude get a life
5/27/2005 11:37:44 PM

2396 Posts

^hey.. you should take some of your own advice and stop acting like you are the shit to other people.. ok?

Its not very becoming of you

[Edited by Melanie_Marie21 on 5/27/2005 11:50:08 PM. Reason for edit: not THAT long of a run]
5/27/2005 11:49:25 PM

72 Posts

I don't act like I'm the shit at all. If you asked all my friends and the people that know they would tell that I am one the nicest guys they know...It is kinda hard not to be defensive when people like Dan talk shit to you...and if I had baby oil on I would look a lot darker trust me thats just sweat from running
5/28/2005 12:01:36 AM

2430 Posts

^^^^ahahhaahahahahhahaaha lol dan you made me laugh and lol that doesnt look like sweet...your too shiny.

[Edited by Lucky_Starz211 on 5/28/2005 12:03:53 AM. Reason for edit: shine! Im blind :o]
5/28/2005 12:02:40 AM

2396 Posts

quote :

people like Dan

What exactly do you mean by that?

Choose your words wisely
5/28/2005 12:08:10 AM

507 Posts

People with an IQ above 15.

Derrr, look at me, I are strong!
5/28/2005 12:25:26 AM

1249 Posts

quote :

its a long run from the gym to epsilon

thanks for the laugh
5/28/2005 12:33:23 AM

2396 Posts

^ and ^^ thanks for the back up.. seriously.. i WAS a freshman too ( long time ago it seems ) and i DID live on campus too, and i KNOW that after a long run in the sun followed by a a walk through the air conditioned dorm, you still could not (in ANY way) end up looking like this guy.

and to think.. he picks on OTHER people for not being smart. haha, now THATS a laugh.
5/28/2005 12:40:45 AM

2430 Posts

lol Melanie
5/28/2005 12:42:09 AM

118 Posts

I'll be glad to defend Arturo. I know him and he sweats pretty badly after working out, worse than most people I know! And he is one of the sweetest guys I know, all the Phi Delts are!
5/28/2005 3:32:43 AM

818 Posts

5/28/2005 9:09:07 AM

72 Posts

no buddy its called working out don't hate appreciate
5/28/2005 2:05:35 PM

72 Posts

you don't have to belive me but why would I lie about this... its ok you are entitled to have your own opinion so if that is what you think then so be it and the comments about me not being smart are kind of harsh ouch...just because I like to work out that doesn't make me dumb. I was born and raised in another country and English is not my first language so sometimes is not as easy for me to get my point across in the best way.

[Edited by cubanmuscle1986 on 5/28/2005 2:38:28 PM. Reason for edit: .]
5/28/2005 2:31:49 PM

3999999 Posts

I get my point across with a baseball bat!
5/28/2005 4:36:10 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

Matt, its not THAT big.
5/28/2005 7:11:52 PM

2430 Posts

^^Ha so does will lol
5/28/2005 9:18:34 PM

1185 Posts

didnt think this pic would get all this attention....eh, :-\
5/28/2005 10:21:06 PM

72 Posts

for real man some people just need to stop hating!
5/30/2005 12:15:34 PM

730 Posts

what exactly are they hating on?
5/30/2005 6:56:01 PM

943 Posts


j/k man, This guy is cool
7/4/2005 4:24:29 PM

4533 Posts

quote :

don't hate appreciate

7/4/2005 4:39:08 PM

2810 Posts

quote :

don't hate appreciate

You set yourself up for "hate" by posting pictures of yourself trying to flex covered in baby oil.
Maybe if you werent such an obvious moron.... people wouldnt "hate" on you.

[ Edit] 7/4/2005 4:55:12 PM

4935 Posts

quote :

The Village People called.... they want their homo back.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. LMAO. That's the only opinion I have on this picture.

[Edited by ivyspice on 7/4/2005 5:40:56 PM. Reason for edit: Dan is funny]
7/4/2005 5:40:44 PM

2430 Posts


7/4/2005 5:42:07 PM

72 Posts

dude chill why the fuck do you care what I'm doing get a life and worry about something else
7/6/2005 12:33:48 AM

2396 Posts

dude.. like totally chill.. here take one of these pills.. yeay it will make you strong and wow.
7/6/2005 12:39:33 AM

1185 Posts

because popping pills is IN....
7/6/2005 12:41:20 AM

2810 Posts

I dont care what you are doing, and I have a great life.

You wonder why people pick on you, so I did you a favor and educated you.
Obviously you have problems learning new things... so it is no shock to me that you missed my point.
[ Edit] 7/6/2005 12:47:13 AM

4533 Posts

^It wasn't exactly constructive criticism, there Dan.
7/6/2005 2:45:24 AM

72 Posts

ok big man did that comment make you feel better about yourself?
7/8/2005 1:12:48 AM

2810 Posts

Does working out and then posting pictures of it make you feel better about yourself?
[ Edit] 7/8/2005 2:56:18 AM

2396 Posts

7/8/2005 3:24:15 AM

336 Posts

Arturo~ It doesn't matter what these other people say about you! You're a sweetie. Don't let em' bother you. If they only knew you as a person they wouldn't be tormenting you. Me, mike, all your brothers, and your other friends know who you are....these other people don't have a clue. KEEP SMILING...and ignore the people that can't say anything nice.

"Does working out and then posting pictures of it make you feel better about yourself?"
~Did you think that maybe he's just proud of himself? He works out amost everyday...and now he is seeing results. If I had a kick as body I would be proud too. Think of it that way...instead of just jumping to conclusions. Why does everything have to be negative???

Oh and question: Does it make YOU feel good to put other people down?

Something I learned in as a child: "If you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all."
That goes for all of you that are being mean to Arturo. It's really unnecessary.

[Edited by DGPrincess85 on 7/8/2005 1:44:20 PM. Reason for edit: Added]
7/8/2005 1:32:46 PM

1009 Posts

i get shiny and sweaty every time i stand up

im fat though
7/8/2005 1:49:04 PM

2810 Posts

^^shut the fuck up Lindsey.
If I wanted the opinion of a mindless brainwashed sorority girl, I would have asked for it.
I'm done trying to be nice to you. You have made it perfectly clear in the past how fake you are, and I have no respect for you.
Fuck off and have a nice day.
[ Edit] 7/8/2005 1:58:10 PM

336 Posts

HAHAHA ok dan.

Fake because I am still friends with Jonathan, and talk to him atleast twice a week.
Fake because I am still friends with Shannon and Ryan....I even went to her babyshower and was one of the first people she called when she had her baby.
Fake because I've gotten so much plastic surgery done to myself. (Right...I have AA boobs)
Fake because I hide my feelings....Obviously not. I tell everyone exactly how I feel.
Fake because I am in a sorority...If that's what you want to base that on then ok. But that's all you have.

Now...You have a nice day too! ;)

[Edited by DGPrincess85 on 7/8/2005 2:10:49 PM. Reason for edit: added]
7/8/2005 1:59:01 PM

1009 Posts

yeah kill those motha fuckers

yeah you
7/8/2005 2:06:35 PM

72 Posts

Bro working out and posting pictures of myself does make me feel good and what's wrong with that...shit you do it too so what the fuck is your problem but whatever bitch I'll brush your negative comments off because you obviously have nothing better to do....sad...and I really don't care about anything you have to say...I don't now you and its all about respect obviously you didn't have a good enough father to teach you some manners.... But you have stepped over the fine line insulting Lindsey and if you want I can teach you a lesson on respect but then again I think you wouldn't enjoy it. Be respectful because you may hide behind your words and your computer which you are both good at....but its a small world and you never know you just might meet me in person and then what are you going to hide behind... don't take this as a threat I'm not trying to be tough and certainly not threatening you. It is just not smart to insult and piss off someone you've never met b/c you don't know what people capable of.

[Edited by cubanmuscle1986 on 7/10/2005 12:19:15 AM. Reason for edit: .]
7/9/2005 11:16:05 PM

3684 Posts

If Mr. Cubanmuscle had an ounce of intelligence in his pea-sized brain, he would have walked away from this totally fucking useless argument ages ago. Buddy, I'm sorry that people are being mean to you, but that's what happens when you post a picture of yourself doused in baby hole claiming you just got back from the gym.

What's that you say? You still claim it's natural sweat? Ok, maybe it is. Now how about you explain that goofy looking grin on your face. And what's with the fucking pose? Crossing your arms in what appears to be a straight edge pose but what is more likely just trying to look like a hard ass only adds fuel to the fucking fire.

You're going to teach Dan a lesson in respect for insulting Lindsey?


I await your lesson as well, you fucking communist shithead.
7/9/2005 11:31:26 PM

2430 Posts

quote :

Does it make YOU feel good to put other people down?

Sometimes yes it does :/ ...lol but then again im an annoying bitch so what would I know
7/9/2005 11:35:48 PM

3684 Posts

quote :

It is just not smart to insult and piss off someone you've never met b/c you don't what people capable of.

Well, you're obviously not capable of using good grammar.
7/9/2005 11:56:08 PM

72 Posts

whatever it is a lost cause fuck all you bitches that like to talk shit on the internet you all need to get a life
7/10/2005 12:22:27 AM

3684 Posts

Sure thing ARTURO.

7/10/2005 12:25:32 AM

133 Posts

7/10/2005 2:17:22 AM

2430 Posts

^Hahah trust him hes Honest Frank

And I may post mean things But truely if i MET you in real life I'd say nothing.....Its just the site 'usf BULLSHIT

Just ignore the bs' and keep it movin.....
7/10/2005 2:28:30 AM

5862 Posts

I want to fight someone...
7/10/2005 3:04:41 AM

2430 Posts

Bring it on bizatch ^
7/10/2005 3:38:37 AM

2396 Posts

lindsey.. you are totally making a fool out of yourself..

You stick up for the very people who dont stick up for you..
Wasnt it you that got left on the side of the road one night by your "oh so loving" boyfriend.. adn now that leads to sticking up for his steriod friends?

quote :

336 Posts

HAHAHA ok dan.

Fake because I am still friends with Jonathan, and talk to him atleast twice a week.

friends? Begging for him to come back... and telling him how misrable you are without him, making him feel aweful and telling him how you hate your "i am fake because i am in a soroity" crowd, and you are only doing it so you feel as though you have a friend to complain to.. only to make yourself lowly self feel better..?

Dan is telling the truth., you were nice to him because he was best friends with Jon, and now? Now you arent.. because that was being "fake" nice.. becasue you had to be excepted by his friends..

[Edited by Melanie_Marie21 on 7/10/2005 3:51:36 AM. Reason for edit: fake fake fake fake fake fake fake]
7/10/2005 3:50:59 AM

7474 Posts

Oh ya? Well, well your momma is so skinny she can hula hoop through a cheerio.

Yea, beat that!!


7/10/2005 5:12:28 AM

2487 Posts

7/10/2005 9:39:32 AM

4533 Posts

I heard Lindsey likes to make herself throw up.
7/10/2005 10:02:22 AM

133 Posts

7/10/2005 12:04:47 PM

3999999 Posts

Made especially for this thread and what I have deemed, "The Cuban Muscle Crisis":


= =

History has shown us before who will win this battle.


[Edited by MattyBoy on 7/10/2005 12:09:10 PM. Reason for edit: It's still Jet SKI, not sky.]
7/10/2005 12:06:16 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

lol @ this thread.

For all you bishes.

Dan= porking one of the hottest girls on BS... so quit trying to bring him down.

Mel= One of the hottest girls on BS, who actualy can spell and voice her opinions
in a manner that makes sense.

Aida= Annoying bitch, but good at it. we all <3 Aida

Brad= Captain of Burn. hes like the fantastic 4 or something. burn burn burn.

Me= Hung over. tired. sore. THANK you all for coming out. and rocking out

with yur cocks out.

7/10/2005 2:20:11 PM

72 Posts

If you ask me she looks like a dirty whore
7/10/2005 5:25:34 PM

2396 Posts

Aww.. Dont talk about Lindsey like that..

Dont try to compare anyone with the girls you take home everynight (the ones that you pay for..).

[Edited by Melanie_Marie21 on 7/10/2005 5:37:57 PM. Reason for edit: .]
7/10/2005 5:30:48 PM

943 Posts

Its fun to see these threads grow

Make Love, Not War

7/10/2005 5:40:41 PM

72 Posts

no melanie I was talking about you and I don't have to pay for anything bc I thought you said that it was free you know when you gave me head last night
7/10/2005 5:48:27 PM

2396 Posts

Oh THATS original.. did you think that up all by your little self, or did your mommie help you out with spelling all of those big words..

[Edited by Melanie_Marie21 on 7/10/2005 5:53:04 PM. Reason for edit: .]
7/10/2005 5:51:51 PM

2810 Posts

Only in your wildest fantasy could you ever get a girl as high quality as Melanie.
She would never go for a douche like you....

Stick to your brainless skeezers (I'm sure Lindsey is available again)
[ Edit] 7/10/2005 5:55:18 PM

72 Posts

sorry buddy she looks like a crack whore and you look like the crack dealer...you guys should go ahead and smoke rocks together or go fuck each other in the ass whichever you prefer or possibly go find something better to do immature idiot
7/10/2005 6:01:38 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

quote :

59 Posts

no melanie I was talking about you and I don't have to pay for anything bc I thought you said that it was free you know when you gave me head last night

sorry buddy she looks like a crack whore and you look like the crack dealer...you guys should go ahead and smoke rocks together or go fuck each other in the ass whichever you prefer or possibly go find something better to do immature idiot

that was so..... not funny.

At some point in an E-War/E-Fight one side must acknowledge their lack of material which
they are depending on. You good sir, have nothing to say here. You covered yourself in
baby oil and took a picture trying to look buff. There are many people on here that would
out bench, out lift, and outrun you in an instant. Most of them have modesty, a sense of
humor, and respect for the fact that this is a college forum. When you voice something on
this site, it will be taken exactly the way you type it. If this is too much responsiblity
for you to handle (you know, having to write in complete sentences, and using punctuation)
then you might need to stay logged off, and just observe. Try to see how people type after
a few hundred posts, and learn the way of the English Language.

PS: You have nothing to say when you speak of Dan or Melanie that would hurt them, or even
evoke some feelings, other than pity. Insult us all you want, call us fags for sitting behind
our keyboards talking about you. Last night we all got together for a party, and had a great
time, while you most likely sat around looking at youself in the mirror.

[Edited by Do Stuff on 7/10/2005 6:03:08 PM. Reason for edit: penis]
7/10/2005 6:02:36 PM

7474 Posts

Hehe, that was me. Sorry!

I was wearing a wig
7/10/2005 6:05:50 PM

72 Posts

go ahead a pat your self in the back buddy good one and guess what I don't give a fuck and by the way idiot scroll back I didn't start insulting anyone here your buddy did
7/10/2005 6:09:59 PM

2810 Posts

aww... dont cry.
Just go lather up and do some curls until your self esteem repairs itself.
[ Edit] 7/10/2005 6:12:05 PM

2396 Posts

^^ I would also like to note that the "Its not baby oil its sweat" does not seem to appear on your face?

Opps.. better lube it up there next time too.

7/10/2005 6:13:39 PM

72 Posts

by the way Do Stuff you need to stop pictures of your self bc you look fat and ugly
7/10/2005 6:14:33 PM

2810 Posts

I dont see any abs on you either tough guy.
... and your face isnt helping your case either.
[ Edit] 7/10/2005 6:15:50 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

so, does me being fat and ugly, mel and dan doing crack in any way
negate the fact that you are a tool?
7/10/2005 6:16:12 PM

2430 Posts

Jesus, this picture has too many posts And hahaha you really think Im good at it Willie? yay-ness.

PS---Mel looks nothing like what you said, shes a very beautiful girl and shes classy looking too.

[Edited by Lucky_Starz211 on 7/10/2005 6:20:23 PM. Reason for edit: Mel]
7/10/2005 6:19:55 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

yuuuhhhhh DURRRRR... i am teh BUFF AND HARD.

DURRRRR, i am Efight my first 60 posts on teh interweb


7/10/2005 6:20:18 PM

7474 Posts

I'm outta popcorn
7/10/2005 6:21:57 PM

72 Posts

you people are so stupid seriously you are fucking ridiculous. I mean are you guys that big of losers that you have to go on the internet to talk shit to people? I guess since you have nothing else to do, your life must really be boring then. Oh well god loves all of his creations and I'm sure that he will find a place for all you losers. Come internet nerds you should all go out and meet some people so you can find something else more entertaining to do. Come on I know you can do it. Dorks!!
7/10/2005 6:22:09 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

quote :

you people are so stupid seriously you are fucking ridiculous. I mean are you guys that big of losers that you have to go on the internet to talk shit to people? I guess since you have nothing else to do, your life must really be boring then. Oh well god loves all of his creations and I'm sure that he will find a place for all you losers. Come internet nerds you should all go out and meet some people so you can find something else more entertaining to do. Come on I know you can do it. Dorks!!

Ahh durrrrr......

does this mean you are going to repost the pic late at night so no one notices?
7/10/2005 6:24:37 PM

72 Posts

where are your abs and your muscles? I don't see any in your pictures. At least I look better than you...come on buddy face it you look like a little bitch...besides that is an old picture I'm bigger and stronger now
7/10/2005 6:25:11 PM

7474 Posts

You are replying, afterall!
7/10/2005 6:25:25 PM

2430 Posts

quote :

your life must really be boring then

Really...Thanks captain obvious, I've only declaired myself uber bored like...every 2 posts!
7/10/2005 6:25:30 PM

72 Posts

Dude I will do whatever I want and you all need to keep your stupid little comments off my page
7/10/2005 6:27:17 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

quote :

where are your abs and your muscles? I don't see any in your pictures. At least I look better than you...come on buddy face it you look like a little bitch...besides that is an old picture I'm bigger and stronger now

actually. i dont have any. none. at all. i cant even walk im so fragile and weak.

quote :

Dude I will do whatever I want and you all need to keep your stupid little comments off my page

GOSH.. ill do whatever i want... lol.

[Edited by Do Stuff on 7/10/2005 6:28:57 PM. Reason for edit: .]
7/10/2005 6:27:47 PM

72 Posts

sorry I don't keep on you people's stuff bc honestly I don't care what any of you people say or do...I don't find it interesting
7/10/2005 6:29:11 PM

72 Posts

sorry I don't keep on you people's stuff bc honestly I don't care what any of you people say or do...I don't find it interesting
7/10/2005 6:29:19 PM

7474 Posts

What I really want is for him to do to me what he wants too..
7/10/2005 6:30:00 PM

2430 Posts

^^^^^^^I dont like guys who are big like that...

[Edited by Lucky_Starz211 on 7/10/2005 6:31:20 PM. Reason for edit: 7 more ^'s]
7/10/2005 6:30:02 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

whats sad is, apparently we all have no lives, and all we do is sit on teh internet and
make fun of him. YET, you look in his gallery and we see like 5 pics of him. looking ghey.

look in Mels, Dans, My gallery.. and there is a plethora of parties, and school, and out cars
and lives.

I think we all have pretty well rounded activites outside of the internet.

7/10/2005 6:33:34 PM

72 Posts

esta bien Aida no te tengo que gustar pero hay muchas otras mujeres que le gustan hombres con musculos
7/10/2005 6:39:18 PM

2430 Posts

^^Aww hell, damn it will lets go take a few pics of me doing stuff.

[Edited by Lucky_Starz211 on 7/10/2005 6:41:22 PM. Reason for edit: Grrr u got in my way cuban.]
7/10/2005 6:40:14 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

Por fe vor no molastar papi.
7/10/2005 6:40:30 PM

7474 Posts

Just because he doesn't post picture to draw attention to himself doesn't mean he doesn't have a life.
7/10/2005 6:40:53 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

^ true to an extent. but trying to make a point that we have no lives,
while not backing up his statement with proof of "having a life" makes
him look like the simple minded tool that we see.
7/10/2005 6:42:55 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts

^ true to an extent. but trying to make a point that we have no lives,
while not backing up his statement with proof of "having a life" makes
him look like the simple minded tool that we see.
7/10/2005 6:42:56 PM

72 Posts

Bro I don't have to post what I do in my personal life on the internet that is my business not yours and by the way I have plenty parties and activities just look on the Phi Delta Theta profile there is plenty of pictures of me and my friends whatever bro I don't care what you think of me
7/10/2005 6:43:03 PM

Do Stuff
4550 Posts


Monday, July 11, 2005 10:28 AM



Monday, July 11, 2005 10:32 AM


Basically he is a douche....
he started crap with me one day when I made fun of his rash on another picture.
He tried to threaten me and puff his chest up... made a complete ass of himself.

I harass him because he thinks he is better than everyone when in reality he is obviously a moron.
If you say anything negative towards him, he comes back with the tough guy act.... and really lame "comebacks".

He also tried to insult Melanie

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:35 AM


arturo is actually a very interesting, extremely sweet guy!!!

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:38 AM


My girlfriend's cat is fascinated by a string.
It's all relative.

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:40 AM


Explain to me what makes him interesting.

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:41 AM



[Edited by HONEST FRANK on 7/11/2005 12:45:26 AM. Reason for edit: THIS PICTURE IS SO "POPULAR" I HAVE TO EDIT MY FUCKING POST.]

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:43 AM


Well he does "sweat" baby oil.

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:43 AM


How did I miss so much of this?

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:55 AM


^^, ^^^^^

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:57 AM


Monday, July 11, 2005 11:29 AM


^ agreed.... i mean ummmm.... so i've been told lol

Monday, July 11, 2005 11:36 AM


come on people move on

Monday, July 11, 2005 9:22 PM


^sucks trying to fight a losing battle eh?
...especially when you have no weapons.

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:03 PM


lol some1 go on his side It'd make alot more interesting

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:04 PM


Hey Arturo is my boy and I DON'T APPRECIATE ya'll hatin on him...grow the eff up people

Monday, July 11, 2005 11:06 PM

Tampa, New York

^I think its best you just stay away from this battle..

( he is a big boy and can type for himself )

Monday, July 11, 2005 11:17 PM


quote :

2465 Posts

lol some1 go on his side It'd make alot more interesting
7/11/2005 12:04:38 PM

Hay Aturo is a heck of a guy. Nobody can sweat like him in a halway while wearing a hat! STFU, people!

(k, I don't know the guy, but I got that much from that one pic, where he was standing in a hall, sweating...and wearing a hat.)

Monday, July 11, 2005 11:19 PM


Hahaha if we had a sweat competition I bet he'd win

Monday, July 11, 2005 11:46 PM

Tampa, New York

well he went one step in the right direction... he ALMOST deleted his pictures... all except his proud little masterbation piece of dan...

ha ha freakin ha.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:32 AM


How would that make him classy...who gives a fuck what pictures he posts and what he says. Its the god damn internet people its not a big deal...get a life

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:37 AM


quote :

Its the god damn internet people its not a big deal...get a life

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:41 AM


quote :

2844 Posts

quote :

Its the god damn internet people its not a big deal...get a life

7/12/2005 12:41:59 AM

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:57 AM


quote :

3999999 Posts

quote :

2844 Posts

quote :

Its the god damn internet people its not a big deal...get a life

7/12/2005 12:41:59 AM

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:59 AM


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:14 AM

Tampa, New York

^dude.. wtf?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:26 AM


ya, WTF?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:26 PM


you guys sound like abunch of 4th graders...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:53 PM


Nick has always been on top of maturity on this site.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:08 AM



"I'd spray"

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 3:24 AM



Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:00 AM

Dongsy Normus

arturo's a good guy

Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:47 AM


hahaha I miss BS

Thursday, January 25, 2007 10:44 PM

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