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Real Name Roheefius Jenkins
46M - tampa

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most of the collection

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try and name em all if you can, i have several more at the shop, and being worked on right now, so i dont have em all pictured.


Friday, August 12, 2005 10:07 AM


I like your books.

Friday, August 12, 2005 10:11 AM


I would never be able to name all of those. And I have no idea about handguns only shot a few.

Dang I wish I had more american dollars

Friday, August 12, 2005 11:16 AM

the dude

Brandon named them all the first time we saw them.

Friday, August 12, 2005 11:39 AM


I'm Brandon


Friday, August 12, 2005 11:41 AM


ive tripled the size of the collection since then.

if he thinks he can name em all, then he has to guess which ones were in my car during this shoot too

Saturday, August 13, 2005 12:20 AM


Oh wow.... I'm in love

Saturday, August 13, 2005 12:57 AM


quote :

Oh wow.... I'm in love

Oh wow. I'm in love with any girl who's in love with this picture. Yeah. Or whatever.

Dun worry Will: I'm not gettin' up in y0 k00l41d...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 2:22 PM


I don't think he was ever worried....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:14 PM


quote :

I don't think he was ever worried....

Sticking that head of yours into shit AGAIN, Sanfucko? Not a good policy...

Yknow, I'll be honest: I used to pity you, because everyone made fun of you. They ragged and ragged and ragged about how much of a dousche you were (especially in public-esque forums). But now, I see their reasoning: you're just a wanna be thug who feels the need to talk shit to everyone, then whine when it gets thrown into your own face. Sure, I've had my fair share of jokes thrown at me here, but they're all about me being fat. Every slam I've ever seen about you is a direct insult to the inner home-boy that is Santoro. The people here GENUINELY don't like you. So: why don't you just "bounce", aight?

You remind me of a movie that was on HBO: "White Boyz" (http://videodetective.com/trailer-preview.asp?publishedID=489644 (use IE to open)). "They Dreamed of the ghetto, but woke up in Iowa."

[Edited by elm3r on 8/16/2005 12:17:55 PM. Reason for edit: fn0rd.]

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:17 PM


Little sensitive there gun nazi? Yeah everyone here hates me. [/sarcasm] Not everyone listens to shitty rock bands, has nasty long hair and plays bass like your faggot self. I'll talk shit all day and stick my head in business that's not mine. And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it. Go take your babble about wanting to be black to someone else, because I do not give a flying shit. I was stating the obvious, you once again were stating assumed opinions that aren't true....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:27 AM


quote :

Little sensitive there gun nazi? Yeah everyone here hates me. [/sarcasm] Not everyone listens to shitty rock bands, has nasty long hair and plays bass like your faggot self. I'll talk shit all day and stick my head in business that's not mine. And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it. Go take your babble about wanting to be black to someone else, because I do not give a flying shit. I was stating the obvious, you once again were stating assumed opinions that aren't true....

Word up, homey. Givin' props to my dawgs, y0.

* First: I am not a nazi. I hate nazis.
* Second: I don't listen to "shitty rock bands".
* Third: I have a shaved head. Oh: did you NOT get that memo? I shaved it about, oh, A YEAR AGO.
* Forth: You only wish you could rock a bass as well as I do, you no talent ass clown. I am my own worst critic when it comes to my musicianship, but I know that if we went toe-to-toe, you'd leave the stage embarrassed. Kinda like that one movie "8 Mile". Just call be B-Rabbit, Papa Doc. (Thought I'd throw in a rap-movie reference, so you could follow along).
* Fifth: Nope, not gay. Try again...
* Sixth: you "talk shit all day and stick my head in business that's not mine" because of your need to belong. It was a painful realization when you were enlightened to the fact that NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU, wasn't it?
* Seventh: "Go take your babble about wanting to be black to someone else, because I do not give a flying shit." But au contraire, you do. Which is why your intense need for attention has you "stick(ing) my head in business that's not mine".

Nice attempt though, Santoro. Good for a laugh or two...

[Edited by elm3r on 8/16/2005 3:04:12 PM. Reason for edit: fn0rd]

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:56 AM


The Ownage of Elm3r Fudd By Justin Santoro

A. I'm on the site everyday posting regularly because work is boring. And a lot of things have changed in the last year or did you not get the memo.
B. I called you gay because we all know you haven't seen pussy since pussy had you...
C. Sorry I didn't get the memo about you shaving your rat fur. It could be that I don't care whether you live or die. So why would I care about your fucking hair?
D. My intense need for attention? Isn't this a message board? Where you are suppose to post regularly. And mostly post bullshit and shit talk, IE: USFBullshit.
E. When I first joined I was made fun of by about 15-20 people. Which of course makes up the whole website right? Dumbass....
F. Again, I come at you with straight talk and proper grammar and you take it to slang and being stupid. Are you sure you're not the one who wants to be black?
G. Your opinion means nothing and has meant nothing for a while. Stick to what your good at, which is guns, getting no pussy and getting no respect. Oh and also the bass guitar, wow.....

[Edited by SaNToRoGT on 8/17/2005 2:37:25 PM. Reason for edit: Pwnd?]

Thursday, August 18, 2005 12:36 AM


quote :

The Ownage of Elm3r Fudd By Justin Santoro

Damn. Your ego really needs caressing, doesn't it?

quote :

B. I called you gay because we all know you haven't seen pussy since pussy had you...

Oh, I recount. The above is such a well thought-out and researched statement (fnord).

quote :

C. Sorry I didn't get the memo about you shaving your rat fur. It could be that I don't care whether you live or die. So why would I care about your fucking hair?

Well, obviously you cared enough to mention it in the first place. It's called "fact checking", my friend. Try it some time...

quote :

D. My intense need for attention? Isn't this a message board? Where you are suppose to post regularly. And mostly post bullshit and shit talk, IE: USFBullshit.

There's a difference in participation, and talking shit. You commence in the shit talking so you can feel better about yourself. Just look at the title of your last post *laugh*

quote :

E. When I first joined I was made fun of by about 15-20 people. Which of course makes up the whole website right? Dumbass....

No. It's the fact that very few people on the site even refer to you as a human being. Check THAT fact, son.

quote :

F. Again, I come at you with straight talk and proper grammar and you take it to slang and being stupid. Are you sure you're not the one who wants to be black?

Please. I am not the one who uses racial slurs in (almost) every post (and some pictures) like they're going out of style. Don't try to push me into the category you already call home.

quote :

G. Your opinion means nothing and has meant nothing for a while. Stick to what your good at, which is guns, getting no pussy and getting no respect. Oh and also the bass guitar, wow.....

The final words of a desparate boy, starving for attention and the last "gotcha!"...

Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:14 AM


Weak.... I give it a C-.

quote :

Oh, I recount. The above is such a well thought-out and researched statement (fnord).

It's called the truth...

quote :

Well, obviously you cared enough to mention it in the first place. It's called "fact checking", my friend. Try it some time...

Where in my statement did I seem like I cared about? I was making fun of you, it was as simple as that. Speaking of fact checking. Maybe you should do the same. This site isn't the same as you think...

quote :

There's a difference in participation, and talking shit. You commence in the shit talking so you can feel better about yourself. Just look at the title of your last post *laugh*

Yes, I'm starved for attention. I'm a post whore with no friends and no life....[/sarcasm] Bored at work, what don't you understand about that statement....

quote :

The final words of a desparate boy, starving for attention and the last "gotcha!"...

Dersparate? Have you looked in the mirror? Matter of fact have you looked at your life? Come on homie Me > You...In all aspects of life.....

Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:22 AM


^ damn straight

Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:57 AM


It's up to him. It's all fun and games to me. I could stop or keep going...

Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:05 AM


^let it die, this thread should be about happier things, like my beautiful implements of death and destruction. geeez

Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:12 AM


I love when those two go at it. It's hilarious.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:31 AM


quote :

I love when those two go at it. It's hilarious.

Nikki, you muck-raker, you... =)

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:06 PM

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