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Real Name Roheefius Jenkins
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this is my angel kitty, Murphy

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she passed away about 3 months after this pic was taken due to cancer. i love her and miss her sooooo much.

She was a cutie.

Saturday, December 8, 2007 1:20 PM


^ John, who is this? Do I know her?

Saturday, December 8, 2007 6:49 PM


she is my kitty that got cancer. after 4 surgeries, including an amputation and learning to walk on 3 legs, the cancer finally won.

she was my best friend for over 13 years, she traveled to many states racking up over 50k mi with me, and was with me from 6th grade through college. she ended up dying in my arms.

she was cremated and is still with me. i still miss her terribly. she was my "little buddy"

Saturday, December 8, 2007 9:12 PM


I meant the girl John! Haha

Saturday, December 8, 2007 10:18 PM


Reminds me of my cat... she just had surgery to remove some tumors she had. She has breast cancer and skin cancer. I've had her since I was 11 (13 years). I don't know how long she has but I'm trying to make her life the best and most comfortable possible before her health goes downhill to the point that there is no quality of life left. She's still purring and eating happily though, even so she probably only has a few months to a year left. It sucks. Lots of people would just think "oh it's just a cat" but I can totally understand and relate to pets being some of the greatest little pals anyone can have.

Saturday, December 8, 2007 10:19 PM


quote :

I meant the girl John! Haha

I don't know John, I just thought his cat was a cutie pie when I saw her in his gallery.

Saturday, December 8, 2007 10:30 PM


Well, you should know John... Everyone should know John and his amazing old school gun collection.

Saturday, December 8, 2007 11:11 PM


^^^ sounds exactly like my situation. people made fun of me for spending so much money to make her life better. when it was determined that there was no way to make any progress, i kept her as happy as possible for as long as possible.

she was the worlds greatest cat, and my best friend. there are "just cats", and then there are once in a lifetime "fur people" Murph was the latter.

Sunday, December 9, 2007 12:48 AM


This is crazy sad. I have an old daschund that is in terrible shape right now. She'd be lucky to make it to Christmas.

Sorry to hear about your buddy/cat.

Monday, December 10, 2007 7:04 PM


i treat pets like people... if they're really sick and aged, don't put them through crazy, eventually needless, and expensive procedures. just try to make them as comfortable as possible and hope that they pass peacefully. that's what i did for my dog last year. goddamn i miss my dog.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:47 AM


^I was just going to say the same thing.. I had my cat for 14 years, from 1st grade until my 3rd year of college...and he lived with me through it all. He moved with me from NJ and took numerous car rides throughout the United States to escape hurricanes.. he was a trooper. He also had cancer, but I refused to put him through any chemo or anything. We gave him cortisone shots, and he made it 2 years after being diagnosed. He also died in my arms.. he started crying a cry I had never heard before, and walked up to me.. I new something was wrong, so I just held him. The worst is that it happened on a Saturday and the vet was closed, so I had to wrap him up and put him in the freezer in the garage.. it was soooo traumatic.

He is now cremated and living with me too I still have dreams about him and miss him terribly.. it's weird.

[Edited by ssloves on 12/11/2007 3:03:39 AM. Reason for edit: picture]

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 8:00 AM


quote :

He is now cremated and living with me too


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:04 AM


maybe I worded that wrong.. lol

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:25 AM


it just sounds so goddamned creepy on its own, i love it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:16 PM

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