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snowboarding in Canada

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How is the boarding across the international line? I chase snow, boarding in california every year and I think me and my roomate are hitting up vermont in a few weeks cuz he is from Maine. Got to check his territory out. Only been on east coast one time and wasn't impressed at all. No power!... and since you board you know ice sucks and tears up boards. Josh

Monday, January 24, 2005 8:16 AM


YEA for snowboarding!

Zimmy... the east coast is pretty bad for downhill. Vermont is the closest to the West that you're going to get in the East. But when you're a boarder, all you need is a sick terrain park! (most of the time)

Monday, January 24, 2005 9:24 AM


I agree with the terrain park. I think when we head up to Maine we are going to Sunday River which was in the worlds best 10 resorts in the world on the Travel Channel. Where I usually go is Heavenly at Lake Tahoe, California which was like #4 or somthing and is absoulutly sick. Runs cover both Cali and nevada giving you 2 totally different feels. Plus every run is cut into a half pipe in the side of the moutnain, well ot every but alot so you can ride high and do jumps and shit. Tree boarding is alot of fun there. They also feature the Super Pipe there. I went to Kirkwood in California this past december just beofre flying to vegas for christmas and it was nice. Alot of the runs were terrain parks having jumps and rails and pipes cut in as you go down. I busted my ass a couple times on the rails but the jumps and half pipe is where I had my fun.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:38 AM


Is that the Rimrock? if so, I have been there, it is awesome.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:05 AM

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