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Z. She is great. :) (I dont have any pictures yet of the two of us. I need new batteries for my camera.)

Beauty and brains, how the hell did you get her.

Friday, December 17, 2004 8:23 AM


I ask myself that very same question... lol. I'm a lucky guy!

Friday, December 17, 2004 8:33 AM


Woo hooo! Finally, Nick! She's a looker, too!

Friday, December 17, 2004 10:23 AM


Hehe, I'm a picky guy, what can I say. Thanks Phong.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:43 AM

Liquid Anubis

daaaaaaamn sucka! good catch.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:01 AM


Don't worry about the pics, man.........I got some naked ones of her I can sell ya.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:11 AM


Thx anubis.

I'm sure you have some pics of her scottly... shes too good of a girl, so I doubt it!

Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:00 AM


A most tactful answer that shows the truthful gentleman with class that you are..........You are truly deserving of such a fine girl. I mean that.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:10 AM



I know, I could of just said "@$#%^@#&%@ #%$^@^ $@%&%$@& @$%&"

But thats below me.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:14 AM


Now lets all have some tea.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:56 AM


and crumpets?

Looks good man how long have you been with her? I was lucky enough to find someone recently myself...

Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:19 AM


I wouldn't mind some tea and crumpets... or anything else that is digestable for that matter...

Its only been "official" for about 5 days, but we've been dateing for about 2 months. She just went up to Georgia and wont be back till Monday, which sucks... So big plans for Monday!

Find a keeper yourself Pete?

[Edited by TrackStar on 12/17/2004 9:48:42 PM. Reason for edit: .]

Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:47 AM


yeah she is a fashion designer or atleast that where she will be lol, shes cool and talented and all the stuff that matters She's in most of my recent pics... She went to NY on thursday and won't be back until the 29th which sux. Then I'm taking her to see the Phantom of the Opera on the 30th, supposed to be a really good show. (the Show not the movie)

Saturday, December 18, 2004 8:23 AM


On the 30th? hmmm, I was actually gonna try and do the same thing with my girl pretty soon. She is very cultured and well read and enjoys that kind of stuff. Who knows, maybe we will go to the same show.

Anyway, sounds like we both have a catch.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:24 AM


nice! well I'll let you know what seats I get lol, and there is no doubt we both have done well... I think the same could be said for them though I mean we're both good guys. Hats off to ya sir

Saturday, December 18, 2004 10:30 AM


Ok, good stuff man. Yea, it is a nice feeling to know you have found something you have been searching for, for a long time. Just gotta be the best boyfriend I know how to be and the rest will take care of itself. And your right, she knows she has a catch in me and lets me know it everyday, which is nice!

haha, mushy mushy... Anyway, Phantom of The Opera should kick ass!

Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:41 PM


yeah that mushy stuff starts to come out... Feels weird sometimes for me since i haven't been that way in a long time lol

Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:36 PM


haha, yea I know. I haven't had an "official" girlfriend, or a girl that I was seriously interested in for 2 years. It is definitly on overkill right now, but she is just as bad as me if not worst, so it works out.

Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:23 PM


nice well good luck, you're a nice guy from what i know and wish you the best!

Sunday, December 19, 2004 12:48 AM


You too man. On the internet we are "assholes" but IRL we rule.

Sunday, December 19, 2004 12:50 AM


lol you speak the truth sir

Sunday, December 19, 2004 12:53 AM



Sunday, December 19, 2004 3:29 AM

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