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Me and Lou Ferrigno

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The original HULK. It was awesome meeting him.

I hate you Benny, I absolutely HATE you!....j/k <3 but I am very jealous and I think you shoulda called me that day! I sooooo woulda been there!

Sunday, December 12, 2004 4:57 AM


hehe. You have my number. I don't have yours. And you never called me the initial time or within the wk ya got it. So who should hate who? hehe. I kid.

Meeting him was awesome. It was a very professional and business like manner, but he was nice and respectful to me. Asking me when I was going to compete and showing an interest in our brief convo. I was actually nervous a bit, and I usually never am nervous. Plus I forgot to face him straight on in our convo and enunciate more clearly/slowdown my speech because he's deaf and goes by reading lips, so I prob screwed our convo in the short time up there, but who blames me for being nervous around a BBing legend? So yeah it was crazy excitement and a lil surreal... but it was AWESOME!

Anyways next field trip I go on bodybuilding/fitness wise, I'll def hit you up somehow so you can join me in the fun.

Thanks for the interest. Peace.

[Edited by benny5 on 12/11/2004 7:24:43 PM. Reason for edit: rushed]

Sunday, December 12, 2004 5:22 AM


You almost look small compared to him.

Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:47 AM


Benny we are sooooo gonna compete in Saint Augustine lol...but u have to gimme the date ASAP...I need to put a routine together

Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:34 AM


jesus missy, i am happy to even be considered not small compared to him. i think one of the guys told me he's 260-270 right now... and my 230 shouldve been dwarfed in comparison... i was quite pleased to see i didn't look insanely small next to him.

and jennah (h or no h? i cant remember) i'll try to get the dates of that weekend to you as soon as possible. let me know what kind of routine you're putting together... and are ya going for figure, fitness, or the nasty BBing (at least the big ass females are nasty)? i'll try to help you with what i can.

all i know is after a few more months of bulking, i'll have to do some cardio and start practicing the posing 2 things which aren't very fun.

thanks for the comments. peace.

[Edited by benny5 on 12/12/2004 4:44:31 AM. Reason for edit: the insanely huge BBing women are scary]

Sunday, December 12, 2004 2:42 PM


the HULK is a badass, i used to love that show

Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:47 PM


LOL no "h" unless you're referring to the ghetto version of my name that Eric "Ehrick" made up lol....def NOT bodybuilding. Fitness mos def, figure would be nice too, although my strength will be the routine no doubt. And you don't look small next to Lou, not at all. I'm actually pretty impressed how big you look next to him. Usually the pros dwarf everybody

Monday, December 13, 2004 2:38 AM


thanks Jenna with no H for the compliments.

my middle name is Erich... so how ya like dem apples? H names are cool... at least when I own it.

fitness is the best as far as watching goes of the 3 ladies events. they're incredible. figure is rather boring, and as i've stated before, some BBing chicks are disgusting and scary.

either way hopefully i'll find out the date really soon...

i just called the dude and he said maybe 2nd wkend in July? it's rather local, so maybe we'll stroll in there, wipe up, and go home ;)

Monday, December 13, 2004 3:24 AM


If you keep at the rate ur goin' you too may very well become Incredible H!

Monday, December 13, 2004 6:20 AM

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