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me as a young beachbum

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in ocean city with my brother

Awww whata cutie

Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:43 AM


hahaha... thanks ann. gosh, why'd you have to have that sn? i'm hungry now! miss you!

Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:09 AM


Well bonjour mon ancienne étudiante. Hi there Courtney. Who would have thought that one day the adorable little girl in that pic would end up being one of my best students in my French I and II classes at USF...hehehehe.

I hope that you are enjoying your summer. I'm leaving for France on September 17-18th and I won't be back until July 2005. Yes that's right, I'll be rubbing elbows with the Frenchies for 10 months. I can't wait!!!!

So..has taking French for two semesters helped you as a student, better a human being??? hehehehe. I hope you aren't partying toooooo much....


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:50 AM


Salut. Thanks for the compliment. I know that my class isn't a piece of cake, but my goal is to make sure that my students learn something. I have had classes where I had to study my ass off, but when it was over, I realized that I had learned a great deal. Don't forget Courtney....scientia est potentia (knowledge is power)..

Are you still a smoker? hehehe.... Don't get hooked. At first I thought that I would start smoking once I returned to France, but I've been able to resist so much temptation here that I feel confident that I won't return to that bad habit. I might not be able to resist other temptations in France...hehehehe....but I will definitely be able to say "NO" to tobacco.

I like this USFBullshit website. It's pretty cool. I think that I'll keep posting stuff on here, even while I'm in France.

P.S. I'm gald you still say things in French from time to time.
Les choses bien apprises, on ne les oublie jamais...n'est-ce pas?

Wednesday, August 4, 2004 12:16 AM

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