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Another Year gone by
Wednesday - December 26, 2007 at 04:08:16 PM by troublefx
So I went to usfbs because I am bored out of my mind at work, and was asked to come on this site...

[next thought]
I am extremely happy this year turned out the way it did; the end was the best part. I am at a crossroad in my life and not sure which way I should go, but I am excited for once about it. I feel like I am growing up. I want to change the childish things about me... so I've been working on that. I do not really care about dating or being with someone anymore. I guess that sounds werid but I am living for me, and I guess I always just wanted a b/f the whole time and would force things to work, even when it was obvious they would not. I am just enjoying my time being young, and enjoying others company. I am not sure I will get married, have kids, or where my life will take me, but I do know that whatever I choose to do I will be happy doing it, and if I put my mind to something I can do it! I know that is an epistrophe but saying and doing are 2 different things. I plan to own up to my decisions.

I guess my mood is in the song beer in mexico, kenny chesney sings it, I know its redneck of me to say that but hey I are one :)

[ next thought]
some of you have not seen me in a year so I guess I wanted to send out a message of where I am at!
Tampa, FL

That's awesome; you always have your shit together :-)

Monday, January 7, 2008 1:26 AM

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