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LFL's forever!
Views: 219

Views: 211

Mike and Me
Views: 217
Comments: 1
Last: 02/26/2005

my crazy BFF
Views: 214
Comments: 2
Last: 01/30/2005

Views: 170

Being sneaky..hehe
Views: 185
Comments: 3
Last: 01/31/2005

ohhh sheena
Views: 262
Comments: 1
Last: 01/31/2005

aawww Rob Julia
Views: 132

Sum and Chris!
Views: 157
Comments: 1
Last: 01/31/2005

My Grand lil' on the left and lil' on the right!!!
Views: 241
Comments: 1
Last: 01/27/2005

and another...
Views: 168

with my super hot BFF and LFL
Views: 556
Comments: 6
Last: 01/23/2005

Lauren and her look!
Views: 178
Comments: 4
Last: 01/18/2005

one of my fave Phi Delts
Views: 205
Comments: 3
Last: 01/17/2005

Just the girls
Views: 219

I don't know....
Views: 166

Me with my Lil' Sheena Bee
Views: 357
Comments: 3
Last: 02/21/2005

Views: 168

Rob and me!
Views: 209

Views: 270

What did you say???
Views: 238

House I want!!!
Views: 184
Comments: 4
Last: 01/19/2005

My first Lil Alana
Views: 211

My BFF and LFL
Views: 217
Comments: 1
Last: 11/19/2004

Tracy and me
Views: 253

Still Rowing...
Views: 210
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