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OOO YEA American Idol wanna be's!!!!
Views: 166
Comments: 2
Last: 07/18/2004

Who says ur Ex cant be ur best friend :)
Views: 185
Comments: 1
Last: 05/18/2004

I miss you JP!!!!
Views: 178

Views: 159

Scottie and Bamberg
Views: 143
Comments: 1
Last: 07/18/2004

I love my other Lil
Views: 150

Can and Christen
Views: 169

Christen and Me
Views: 182

My Can and Me
Views: 170
Comments: 1
Last: 07/08/2004

Rainforest w/ Jim
Views: 152

GEETT IT!!!! Jenna Hayes
Views: 306
Comments: 9
Last: 08/13/2004

XO's @ Disney
Views: 165

me and chris
Views: 166
Comments: 1
Last: 07/18/2004

Me and my Sandra
Views: 163

I love my BIG <3
Views: 173

I love my Lil <3
Views: 189
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