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We had just a little too much to drink...
Views: 363
Comments: 1
Last: 04/25/2006

Going to Ybor
Views: 322

Me & Ryan
Views: 308

Soaking up the sun
Views: 350

20th Birthday
Views: 311

At the Beach
Views: 334

Ryan & Me
Views: 165

Going to Ybor
Views: 238

Dena, Stephanie, Kelly, & Me
Views: 271
Comments: 1
Last: 02/01/2006

Brooke & her drums
Views: 230

Christmas '05
Views: 230

Bad Dog!
Views: 212

Views: 243

Thanksgiving '05
Views: 217

Maggie the Racoon
Views: 285
Comments: 3
Last: 02/01/2006

Views: 244

Ryan & Me
Views: 261

Ryan & Me
Views: 214

Me & Ryan
Views: 181

Me and Ryan
Views: 180

Jon and Me
Views: 184

Jon and Me
Views: 174

Me with darker hair
Views: 382
Comments: 3
Last: 06/04/2005

Lilo & Stitch
Views: 215

Thought it was cute
Views: 162

Ouch..thats all I have to say
Views: 483
Comments: 10
Last: 05/15/2005

Views: 335
Comments: 3
Last: 09/17/2005

Me and my puppy
Views: 221
Comments: 2
Last: 04/26/2005

Homecoming '03
Views: 200
Comments: 3
Last: 04/25/2005

The smell....
Views: 185

Brooke- my friend's daughter- isn't she cute!
Views: 217
Comments: 1
Last: 06/01/2007
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