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I can pretend
Views: 196

I like this sign
Views: 253
Comments: 6
Last: 10/20/2005

My cousin and I
Views: 182

Marlise and I
Views: 213

Me at Disney
Views: 142

Me and my littles!
Views: 156

Jorge and I
Views: 156

Me and DJ
Views: 172
Comments: 1
Last: 05/09/2005

Cyn and Alex
Views: 175

Me and Darcy
Views: 142

He sang to me
Views: 184

Views: 142

Me and Kenny Chesney
Views: 284
Comments: 9
Last: 05/08/2005

Views: 247
Comments: 4
Last: 05/25/2005

Take 24
Views: 197
Comments: 1
Last: 04/04/2005

Views: 141

Views: 156

DJ and I at Hellas
Views: 148

Marissa and Deanna
Views: 139

Views: 172

Who is it?
Views: 174

My neice, Bella
Views: 178

Sarah's puppy
Views: 142

Puppies playing
Views: 166
Comments: 1
Last: 12/28/2004

Face off
Views: 150

Views: 137

Views: 166

Green eyes!
Views: 272

at the Shania Twian concert
Views: 243
Comments: 12
Last: 07/17/2004

Ashley and I
Views: 147

There's fire!
Views: 146

Group Hug!
Views: 245
Comments: 4
Last: 07/14/2004

Just for you Josh!
Views: 194
Comments: 1
Last: 06/17/2004

OK... act natural
Views: 252
Comments: 2
Last: 07/29/2004

Darcy's First Jet Ski Ride!
Views: 208
Comments: 2
Last: 06/14/2004

Views: 196
Comments: 4
Last: 06/20/2004

Views: 160
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